Tag: Sun square Uranus

Aquarius Full Moon: Balance and Order

Aquarius Full Moon: Balance and Order

Welcome to the Aquarius Full Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on the larger frameworks that govern our lives, the communities that we belong to, and the friends and allies we connect with. It’s a full moon to also look towards the future.

Photo by Rini D on Unsplash

Astro Daily: August 8, 2022

We’re coming off of a heavy line up of astrology and catching our breath as we start the week, one that will see a powerful full moon and a check-in with Saturn and Uranus. Use the pause in action to start implementing the necessary changes.

Photo by Andrew Svk on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 4, 2022

The Sun joins up with Saturn, a big sit down with the planet of maturity and responsibility. Can handle the responsibility of life? Are we ready to commit? It’s also a check-in with our Saturn in Aquarius story.

Photo by Jie Wang on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 31, 2022

Last day of January. We’re on the cusp of the Aquarius New Moon, too, which means that we’re in that dark lunar space before a new beginning. Rest and reflect. The coming month brings an echo of eclipse energy.

Photo by Christian Kielberg on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 28, 2022

As Venus prepares to turn direct this weekend in Capricorn, Mercury, also retrograde in Capricorn, meets up with Pluto. A lot of our work lately has been a deep reformation of what we value and how we communicate.

Leo New Moon: Plot Twist

Leo New Moon: Plot Twist

Welcome to the Leo New Moon! This is the time in the lunar calendar when we turn our attention to joy, creativity, and passion. Leo is the sign of the Sun and reminds us that we all have to shine in our own ways.

Photo by Jackson Eaves on Unsplash

Astro Daily: August 6, 2021

As we wrap up the lunar month, today’s square between the Sun and Uranus provides a potent seed for the August 8 new moon. Think about what you want to reinvent, change the story. Set this energy in motion.