We’re coming off of a heavy line up of astrology and catching our breath as we start the week, one that will see a powerful full moon and a check-in with Saturn and Uranus. Use the pause in action to start implementing the necessary changes.

Even if you’re not seeing outward changes in your life, something is brewing inwardly. It’s important to give this energy a positive outlet. The energy of Uranus, which we’re navigating last week and this week, is all about radical authenticity, sudden shifts, reinvention, and doing things differently. How can you go into this week taking steps to reinvent something, even if it’s in small ways? Here’s a reminder of what Uranus is trying to reinvent in your life in my Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign.

Then there’s the energy of Saturn. We’ve got a big check in with the planet of maturity and responsibility later this week as well as a full moon that puts the spotlight on Saturn on August 11. How can you take steps to be more mature? More level headed? Make the right choices? Honor your commitments? In fact, I did a whole webinar recently called Facing Saturn: Learn to Master Your Life, which you can watch a free clip. And you can get a reminder on where Saturn in Aquarius is holding you to a higher standard in Saturn in Aquarius: Sign by Sign.

In the meantime, the Moon moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn today. We’re going to have to ramp up our efforts as we go into tomorrow and face Saturn’s demand for equity, fairness, and balance.

The Leo Sun also makes a trine to Chiron in Aries. There’s an opportunity to heal something old, to take action in a way that helps us overcome our fears and show what’s possible to others.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for August 9.

Read More:

Mars in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Aquarius: Building Humanity

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Newsletter — The Astrology of August 8-14, 2022

Webinar — Facing Saturn: Learn to Master Your Life

Webinar Clip — Facing Saturn: Learn to Master Your Life

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

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