Happy Aries Full Moon! This is the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on bravery, courage, and new beginnings. Aries motivates us to make a fresh start, to take the lead. It’s individuality and self direction. With that in mind, the full moon is exact on September 24, 2018 at 10:52 pm EDT, 2 degrees Aries/Libra. That’s 7:52 pm Los Angeles, 3 am London on September 25, and 12:52 pm in Sydney.

Full moons are times to make a decision. Under the bright light of the moon, all this revealed. Whatever story we began two weeks before at the new moon has now come to fruition. The plot thickens and a crisis comes to a head. Do we make a left or a right? To that point, a full moon in Aries speeds up our sense of urgency. It’s a moon that needs action and movement. It rings the bells and sounds the alarms. If we’ve been waiting for our moment to act, an Aries Full Moon pushes us to move forward.

On a mundane level, an Aries Full Moon is great time to turn over a new leaf or restart something that we’ve let languish. Coupled with the Virgo New Moon on September 9, it’s a time to take action on a project or see just where our efforts and planning have taken us. It’s also a good time to get motivated about our health and jumpstart our fitness regimen.

But this Aries Full Moon is a little more complex, more emotionally driven. Falling just shy of Chiron, a newer addition to  astrology, it’s like a bull’s-eye to some of our deepest emotional, spiritual, and psychic pain — pain that transcends lives. Whatever you’re feeling right now, whatever story you’re experiencing, it has deep roots. It feels familiar, as if remembering a dream but not sure exactly what.

Chiron teaches us that the personal is collective. Meaning, whatever personal story of pain and suffering we have connects us to a story that runs through the fabric of humanity. If we feel shame, for example, it echoes the pain of everyone on this planet who feels similarly. And that shame is like the twist of a knot in the tapestry of our life as well as the tapestry of humanity.

Chiron also teaches us about healing. Whatever knots we have, whatever pain, we can undo it, heal it, and open up space in this universal tapestry for others to heal. The symbol of Chiron is a key and when we transmute our pain, offering our healing and wisdom as a gift to others, we use Chiron’s key to unlock the door to a new level of living. Keep that in mind. It’s true soul alchemy and it’s what is resonating with this full moon at its core.

Even when we follow the story of the full moon over to Mars in Aquarius on the South Node, we get a similar narrative. Are our actions for ourselves or for the collective, the community, the whole? How do we let go of something from the past (South Node)? How do we deal with the karma we’ve created with friends, with the group? Do we have fears about being ourselves and being rejected by the group?

Another major player in this full moon is Saturn. It’s making a tight square to the Sun and Moon. It’s a full moon that’s going to give us a reality check, a kick in the butt if we’ve not been taking action or taking the “right” action. Saturn squares bring us back in line. It’s a check in with the parent, the authority figure. We’re also quite aware with this full moon that actions have consequences, that we need to take our responsibilities seriously. We’re aware of time, age, and that the road to achievement is paved with hard work.

To be fair, it’s a bit of a difficult full moon, one that touches on many deep layers that are existential in nature. I think the positive side of the Saturn square is the realization of everything we need to have squared away in order to move forward. If the Aries Moon opens us into a new season or chapter, we’ve got to get real in order to see the story through. And, thanks to Aries, we need to have courage as well as determination.

If you’re feeling discouraged or tired as you climb the mountain, time to rally. Let go of the past so you can have a fresh start. You got this.

Read More:

Chart of the Aries Full Moon

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

In Defense of Saturn

Mars in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

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