Another Aries Moon day. With Mars over in Aquarius, the personal (Aries) is collective (Aquarius). Which is to say that our experiences are directly tied to the experiences of humanity. Let your courage, bravery, and action be a gift to others.

Speaking of the collective, Chiron dives back into Pisces today after a five month visit to Aries. Although Chiron is a newer addition to astrology, it’s a powerful point to bring into consciousness. It reveals the knots and tears in the fabric of our life that have formed over our many experiences. The more painful the experience, the deeper the knot. What is particular about Chiron is that it connects this knot to the collective knot of everyone who has suffered similarly. And when we work to heal and open these knots and tears in our own life, we open up space in the universal tapestry for others to do so.

Both Aquarius and Pisces speak to the collective experience. With Aquarius it’s the collective of humanity, a library of thoughts and ideas and wisdom. With Pisces, however, it’s the collective emotional body of humanity made up of every feeling, every tear, every laugh, every suffering, every joy.  (That’s why if you’re a Pisces, or if you know a Pisces, it’s a sign that’s very sensitive. It instinctively understands the feelings of others and can feel everything and everyone.)

Chiron will go back into Aries on February 18, 2019, so we’re using the next five months to untie our knots, to understand how our experiences as individual mirror the experiences of others. We’re using the next five months to find compassion for ourselves and others, to forgive. All so that those rips and tears in the fabric of humanity can be rewoven.

PS — We just had an Aries Full Moon. Did you miss my write up? See below.

Read More:

Aries Full Moon: The Personal is Collective

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

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Photo by mauro paillex on Unsplash