Welcome to Libra Season! This is the time in the zodiac calendar when our attention turns to the people in our lives, specifically our relationships. Libra teaches us that we can’t always go it alone, that consensus and cooperation are essential to finding balance.

Ruled by the planet Venus, Libra is also charm, grace, and the social niceties that promote cooperation and understanding. Libra is beauty and design, too, and the sign has an impulse to pleasing and comfortable. Libra is the host, the negotiator, the partner, the mate.

For all of Libra’s beautiful veneer, however, this season will take us behind closed doors and into the messy emotional side of relationships — trust, power, control, and secrets. Venus is in Scorpio, a sign that shows us our shadows so that we can put them in light and be forever transformed. So be prepared to dig into themes of intimacy and vulnerability over the coming weeks, especially as we come up to Venus Retrograde on October 5.

In other news, we’re hours shy of an Aries Full Moon, one that will fall just off of Chiron. While full moons tend to already be emotionally driven affairs, putting things into focus or bringing about something that demands our attention, a full moon on Chiron hits deep. It’s a full moon that speaks to our spiritual and psychic scar tissue, the knots that wrap around parts of our lives that prevent us from moving forward, from making connection, from believing in ourselves. More on this later. In the meantime, you can read more on Chiron in the links below. <3

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Read More:

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

The Week Ahead: The Astrology of September 24-30, 2018

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