Tag: Uranus in Taurus

Photo by Monika Normand on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 5, 2022

We start the week with a Taurus Moon, one that brings us back to last month’s lunar eclipse at 16 Taurus. With its spotlight on Uranus in Taurus, we’re feeling a push today to reinvent, break out of old habits and patterns, and reach for solid ground.

Photo by Filipp Romanovski on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 9, 2022

Building on yesterday’s full moon, the Scorpio Sun makes a dynamic opposition to Uranus. While this happens once a year, it doesn’t always happen around an eclipse. Be open to new revelations, breakthroughs, and calls for radical authenticity.

Photo by Bruno Martins on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 20, 2022

It’s a day to see things from a different perspective as Venus in Virgo gets support from Uranus in Taurus. What we once thought was important and valuable may not be anymore. Venus also speaks to the larger shifts that have been happening since 2018-2019.

Photo by Sascha Bosshard on Unsplash

Astro Daily: August 24, 2022

Uranus turns retrograde at 18 Taurus, a major check in with a story of reinvention that’s been weaving its way through our lives since May 2018, March 2019. Uranus just wants us to be true to who we are. And sometime Uranus shakes up what’s blocking the way.

Photo by michele marchesi on Unsplash

Astro Daily: August 16, 2022

Mercury in Virgo makes an electric trine to Uranus today, an aspect that can make for flashes of insight and helpful new perspectives — new perspectives that can help us organize our day differently or make positive changes in our health.

Photo by Yevgeniy Mironov on Unsplash

Astro Daily: August 1, 2022

Mars meets up with Uranus and the North Node for a rare conjunction in Taurus. If the North Node is true north, then this is a day that may thrust us towards our future or a new direction. Uranus provides a jolt of revelation or new perspective.

Photo by Zachary Keimig on Unsplash

Astro Daily: July 5, 2022

Mars, the planet of motivation, arrives in Taurus for a six week stay. We’re driven to create material stability and security, to find pleasure and comfort. But it may be a bumpy ride as Mars actives recent eclipses.

Photo by Michela Meloni on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 5, 2022

Eclipses are like a story. They don’t just encompass the moment of their passing, but a series of moments that weave in and out of our lives. They show us that time is not linear, but instead multilinear.