Happy Sagittarius Full Moon! Didn’t we just have a Sagittarius Full Moon? You would be correct! (More on that shortly.) This is the time of the year when we a light on themes of faith, meaning, truth, and belief as well as philosophy, religion, education, law, and foreign travel. The full moon will be exact on June 20, 2016 at 7:02 am EDT, 29 degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. That’s 4:02 am Los Angeles, 12:02 pm London, and 9:02 pm Sydney.

Like the Sagittarius Full Moon we had just last month, this one taps into a narrative that began in December 2014, the month that Saturn arrived in Sagittarius. See, Saturn doesn’t move very quickly. He takes 29 years to go around the Sun. When he changes signs it’s a big deal for all of us and signals a change in the cosmic hour. If Saturn is the planet of commitment, maturity, and the marker of life’s major milestones, then Sagittarius is working us hard to define what we believe in. We may also be making major journeys abroad or hammering out our personal philosophy.

Here’s the thing about astrology. Sagittarius is just an energy or an expression of an archetypical experience. Someone’s search for truth can be a trip around the world, a pilgrimage, or enrollment at a university. But it can also touch on fanaticism, bigotry, and self righteousness. One is an energetically open expression, the other contracted. We’re seeing the negative expression of Sagittarius in our world to deadly effect right now. Therefore it’s important for us to be conscious of what we belive in. Is the energy open or closed? Is our faith misplaced? Where do we feel like we know better than others to the point of being a jerk about it?

This full moon also comes in at 29 degrees Sagittarius, the last degree of the sign. If we’ve been on a search for truth over the last year and a half, the full moon will really brings matters to a critical point — there’s no going back, we’re seeing the karma of our choices as well as our beliefs. That’s because the 29th degree functions like Saturn. We feel the weight of time, a push to take the next big step in our lives, but also the fruits of what we’ve been working on over 2015 and into 2016 … for better or for worse.

Our Saturn in Sagittarius journey is far from over; we have until December 2017 to figure things out. Although this full moon is a punctuation on an unfolding story, we still have time to adjust our course, to rethink our beliefs, to reexamine our faith, to recommit. Jupiter is still in Virgo. There’s still time to get organized, create a new plan, and let go of the beliefs that are not really our truth. When Mars gets back into Sagittarius on August 2, our crisis of faith will heat up once again.

Lastly, the full moon taps into this Mutable Cross we’ve been having this month. It’s my feeling that the days around the full moon will help us have a clearer idea of where we’re going as the Mutable Cross shifts the gears of our life. Saturn is nothing but bracingly clear. Toss him in with the energies of a full moon and we’ve got a major decision to make, one that could have a serious impact on the course of our life.

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