Happy Sagittarius Full Moon! This is the time of the year when we turn the spotlight on faith, truth, and meaning. Sagittarius asks, what do you believe in? What will you go to the ends of the earth to discover? The full moon will arrive on May 21, 2016 at 5:15 pm EDT, 1 degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. That’s 2:15 pm in Los Angeles, 10:15 pm in London, and 7:15 am in Sydney on May 22.

It’s hard to talk about this full moon without placing within a narrative arc that began in December 2014. That was the month that Saturn first dipped into Sagittarius after two long, tough years in Scorpio. We were battered, our faith and our lives had been shaken. When Saturn changed signs we began a new chapter to rebuild our worldview, to find light in the dark.

Think back to your own lives over the last year and a half. Have you rediscovered your faith? Reached toward a new philosophy or religion to make sense of things? Have you traveled more? Looked toward other cultures and countries for new perspective? Have you gone back to school? That’s Saturn in Sagittarius.

Then, this past March, Mars arrived in Sagittarius, heating up the narrative to rolling boil — not before turning retrograde on April 17. Suddenly these bigger questions needed answers.

Which brings me to this full moon.

Think of full moons as decision points; the light is shining on something in our life, the volume turned up to the max. So if we’ve been on this journey of finding ourselves and our truth over the last year and a half, this will be one of the big moments when it comes all together. The truth may be awkward, uncomfortable, but it’s there. Maybe we’re even ready to hit publish on our tell all book.

The full moon is also right on Mars, making something that we call a conjunction in astrology. This is a bit of an angry or in-your-face placement for Mars, like someone, out of no where, telling you how they really feel. And seeing how Mars is retrograde, we have something to work out from the past. Is what we believe really true? Is it possible that we have it all wrong?

There’s a lot of hard energy in this lunation. For many of us the days around the full moon will mark a turning point. We may feel spurred to take action. We may need to get things in order, commit to a deeper path, or just let go. The quincunx between Mercury and Saturn means that we need to make sure our earthly values are in alignment with our spiritual values. Be prepared to let some things go in the process.

May your faith be stronger than ever as a result.

Enjoyed this post? I also do private, one-on-one consultations via Skype and phone, which allow us to delve into your chart and reveal where this full moon will manifest. Go to my consultations page to book your session. Check out my testimonials and FAQ to learn more about what I do.