Tag: Mercury square Saturn

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Astro Daily: September 23, 2020

Mercury, as it rounds its way out of Libra, makes a square to Saturn. We have to chose our words wisely. We’re weighing serious options. Is it a yes or a no? Saturn can reveal a need for boundaries, discernment, or more maturity.

Photo by alexandra lammerink on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 22, 2020

The Sun arrives in Libra and we not only kick off a new astrological season, but it’s the equinox, too. With equal parts day and night, we’re at the balance between light and dark. Now each passing day tips us more and more into the shadows.

Photo by Adam Kring on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 21, 2020

The Sun reaches the last degree of Virgo. There’s an intensity in the air as Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, squares with Pluto. We need to get laser focused. We’re uncovering a mystery, especially with the Moon in Scorpio. We have to make serious choices.

Photo by Tomas Robertson on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 18, 2020

Coming off the Virgo New Moon, we’re still in its energies of renewal and refocus, especially on all matters of health and wellness, work and craft. But the Moon’s now in Libra, highlighting relationships and connection as we go into the weekend.

Virgo New Moon: Seen and Unseen

Virgo New Moon: Seen and Unseen

Welcome to the Virgo New Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when turn our focus towards health and wellness, from how we take care of our bodies to the foods we eat, the work we do, and the rituals we practice. Virgo helps us to discern and to organize, too.

Photo by Lewis Parsons on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 16, 2020

The Sun squares the Lunar Nodes. We’re at a crossroads as we reach the midpoints between eclipses. Life turns a corner, perhaps in subtle ways, but we’re making decisions and aligning ourselves with events that will play out into November and December 2020.

Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 28, 2020

The Cancer Moon keeps us busy today, but it also helps us to focus on the home as well as what we need to feel safe and secure, especially during these times. Make a point to reach out virtually to loved ones and friends, especially if you’ve been in isolation.

Photo by Nicolas J Leclercq on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 27, 2020

After spending the past couple of days in Gemini, the Moon arrives in Cancer, trading thinking and ideas for feeling and intuition. The Cancer Moon pairs well with the Taurus Sun, two signs that prefer to nest, cook, and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

Photo by saeed mhmdi on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 20, 2019

A Gemini Moon takes us into the weekend, a moon that wants us to search, explore, and try new things. It’s a Moon that also likes to travel. With Mercury speeding through Libra, it’s a breezy couple of days for connection, partnership, and even romance.

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 10, 2019

We start the week on the midst of some big deal astrology. While some of it’s subtle, tugging on emotions and questions of faith and meaning, some of it’s confrontational. There’s a face off brewing between Mars, Mercury, and Saturn and it’s a major reality check.