The Sun arrives in Libra and we not only kick off a new astrological season, but it’s the equinox, too. With equal parts day and night, we’re at the balance between light and dark. Now each passing day tips us more and more into the shadows.

Libra has a reputation for being the sign of relationships and for good reason. As the polarity to the sign of Aries, Libra is a reminder that we can’t do things all alone. It can’t all be about the self. We need to be aware of the needs and wants of others. We need to learn to compromise, negotiate, and find consensus. We need a partner, a mate, or even a buddy.

Libra is also the sign that teaches us socialization. Ruled by Venus, it naturally wants us to connect and interact. So, as a result, we’re spending more time with others over the coming four weeks, especially this last week of September. Right now, Venus is in Leo, a combination that can be charming, dynamic, and vibrant. This is a part of Libra Season that is all about friends and community.

As I mentioned in my weekly astrology video yesterday, Mercury is in the midst of making a trio of tense aspects to Pluto, Saturn, and Mars. We’re navigating some tough decisions and serious choices this week. We’re having deep, revealing, or even confrontational conversations this week. You can watch the replay here or on YouTube, Facebook, IGTV, or Spotify.

Read More:

Video — The Astrology of September 21-27, 2020

September 2020 Horoscopes

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