Tag: Eclipse Season

Astro Daily: April 21, 2023

Astro Daily: April 21, 2023

We’re coming off a powerful Aries New Moon solar eclipse, one that officially brought us into a new chapter of time. With Mars in Cancer and a square to Pluto, we may be feeling a surge of emotions, both primal and instinctual. Life may start to move fast.

Aries New Moon: Into the Forge

Aries New Moon: Into the Forge

Welcome to the Aries New Moon, which marks a dynamic solar eclipse that plays off the energies of renewal and new beginnings. A door closes and opens. The next six months will push us to take the lead, go after what we want, and make lasting changes.

Astro Daily: April 19, 2023

Astro Daily: April 19, 2023

Tomorrow’s solar eclipse not only sets the stage for the next six months, it also opens up a chapter that will play out into early 2025. We’re getting ready to learn how to stand on our own two feet, take the lead, and reach for what is going to nurture and support us.

Astro Daily: April 18, 2023

Astro Daily: April 18, 2023

With the Moon in Aries, we’re on the cusp of a new beginning. We may be feeling a build up of energy or tension. But we’re also in the dark of the moon. We have to honor that we are in a sacred space of endings. Time to reflect and make space for the new.

Astro Daily: April 17, 2023

Astro Daily: April 17, 2023

We’re winding down the lunar month as we start the week with a Pisces Moon, one that feels liminal. Things may feel hazy or like they don’t have a lot of energy. Then again, with a solar eclipse three days away, we’re revving up for something powerfully new.

Webinar — The Eclipses of April & May 2023

Webinar — The Eclipses of April & May 2023

Eclipses strike a new hour. Every six months our lives turn swiftly, heralding new beginnings. With a solar eclipse in Aries, the first in its series, we are stepping into a new story over. On the other hand, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio brings a story to a decisive end.

Photo by Lisha Riabinina on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 14, 2023

Venus squares off with Saturn, an aspect that has a reputation for pumping the breaks. For all of Venus’s multitude of ideas and options, Saturn urges us to focus on what’s practical. It’s a need to commit to what’s right or recalibrate what’s not working.

Photo by Pawan Thapa on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 12, 2023

The Moon’s in no-nonsense Capricorn today, bringing our attention to duty and responsibility. We’re going after our ambitions, too. But with Saturn now in Pisces, where it will be for the next three years, our ambitions have to align with our heart and soul.

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 10, 2023

The Sun meets up with Jupiter in Aries into tomorrow, a burst of confidence and a push for new horizons and adventures. Paired with a Sagittarius Moon, we’re feeling element fire, an element that inspires, motivates, and illuminates. It also demands faith.

Photo by Filipp Romanovski on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 7, 2023

A Scorpio Moon takes us into the weekend, one that plays on our deeper emotions and works to reveal something typically hidden within. With Mars in Cancer, this may be complicated or messy emotions from the past, from memory, and from family.