We’re between the eclipses. Can you feel it? A portal or intersection between two different threads of time? A twist or knot in the fabric of our lives? While we’re two days past a solar eclipse, its energy still brings us forward into something new.

Eclipses are high energy events. We can feel them physically, from fatigue to even sleeplessness. Mars is now in Scorpio, too, with digs into emotional material that can make us feel vulnerable and sensitive. Plus, Mars in Scorpio reminds us that there are many seasons of life and there will be times when something old makes way for something new. The blooms of summer fall away and the leaves change and the days grow cold and the nights longer.

Thus is the cycle of life.

And, so, we’re in a sacred passage. How do we be at peace with the changes and movements of time? Or the changes in our own lives?

So, having said that, we’re in the last leg of Libra Season this week. Our relationships with others continue to be a priority. We’re being pushed to compromise and see things from the perspective of others. But the eclipses will take us into Scorpio Season and into the start of November. The old makes way for the new. (You can still get my two-hour webinar, The Eclipses of October 2023.)

More on this week’s astrology in my Facebook Live for October 16-22, 2023. You can watch the replay on YouTube, Instagram, and Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for October 17, 2023.

Read More:

New Webinar — The Eclipses of October 2023

Mars in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of October 16-22, 2023

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Photo by Valentin Lacoste on Unsplash