Welcome to Libra Season! The Sun arrived in the seventh sign of the zodiac on September 23 and brought us to a sign that reveals the importance of relationships and connection, socialization and compromise. Ruled by Venus, seek as well as create beauty.

This Libra Season marks the unofficial start of eclipse season. Although the Libra solar eclipse of October 14 is three weeks away, we may be feeling a sense that something is on the horizon — a change, a new chapter. In fact, with Mars in Libra on the eclipse degree this week, the eclipse could arrive early for us.

At the very least, look to events or experiences this week that foreshadow a new chapter to come.

To get you ready for eclipse season, I’m doing another two-hour webinar, The Eclipses of October 2023, which will be on Thursday, October 5 at 8pm ET. Replay available for those who cannot join live. Learn more and register.

That said, Mercury in Virgo makes its final trine to Jupiter, a potential leap of faith after a lot of back and forth or deliberation. (The previous trines were August 9 and September 4.) It’s a day to share how we feel, especially anything that has emotional depth or touches on meaning and purpose.

Read More:

Program — Saturn Master Class: A 12-Week Journey. Starts October 12

Webinar — The Eclipses of October 2023

Mars in Libra: Sign by Sign

Jupiter in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of September 25-October 1, 2023

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