Happy Sagittarius New Moon! This is the time in the lunar calendar when we focus on education, travel, and expanding our horizons. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, Sagittarius inspires us to find meaning and cultivate wisdom. With that in mind, the new moon is exact on December 7, 2018 at 2:20 am EST. That’s 11:20 pm Los Angeles on December 6, 7:20 am London on December 7, and 6:20 pm in Sydney.

New moons are new beginnings, a reset that occurs every four weeks. Like a stage, then the new moon opens us to new scene as well as a new set. New characters come in. Some leave. Some remain. And over the coming four weeks we live life through a very different lens.

Having gone through the darkness and emotional turmoil of Scorpio lunar month, we arrive in the light of Sagittarius. We have hope and faith again. We have a vision that we didn’t have before — an awareness of ourselves and the wisdom that comes after having lived through Scorpio and faced our fears. Here in Sagittarius that we find our truth and we try to put language and meaning to what we’ve experienced.

The set before us this lunar month is exotic in the sense that it pushes us away from what’s familiar and out into the world like explorers, restless for adventure. Sagittarius is a wall of books, a compass, religious artifacts, and the ephemera of worldly travels. As a result, over the coming four weeks, we may be making plans for a trip very far away. Education, seminars, and workshops will be a top priority, too. We may also be more philosophical than usual, wanting to have deep conversations about life and meaning. We’re writing books, publishing books, and teaching.

This new moon in particular puts a focus on Jupiter’s recent arrival in Sagittarius. Something is being seeded with this new moon, something that will bring growth and opportunity over the coming months. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by as doors are open wherever Jupiter is.

There’s an element of morality and value to Jupiter and Sagittarius. While those words may have a negative connotation associated with them, if we reframe them, we see that Sagittarius is a sign that helps us find our direction and that direction may be through and ideology or religion just as much as it’s through life experience and humanism. Whatever is opening up this month, the question is, does it align with our personal values? Does it give us direction and purpose and meaning or does it take us away from ourselves?

I mention this because this new moon makes strong square to Mars and Neptune in Pisces. There’s an interesting dynamic between Sagittarius and Pisces in the sense that Sagittarius shapes what we know to be true. Pisces, however, connects us with subjective or hidden truths, the truths we find deep within. This is a lunar month to revisit what we believe in. Is it our truth? Do we need to let go of something we’ve been so sure was our truth even when it wasn’t?

Mars and Neptune are exactly conjunct in the chart of the new moon. We may be experiencing themes of surrender and endings over the coming four weeks. We may also need to get back to the spiritual or mystical. We may feel like we’re on a quest or a pilgrimage for something sacred.

That said, be open to new experiences and new adventures over the coming weeks. But don’t forget your compass. Neptune talks about how we may have our own plans, our own ideas for what’s right for us, but sometimes have to make sure it’s in alignment with what Spirit thinks is right for us.

Read More:

Chart of the Sagittarius New Moon

Jupiter in Sagittarius: Sign by Sign

December 2018 Horoscopes

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