Tag: Mars conjunct Neptune

Astro Daily: April 24, 2024

Astro Daily: April 24, 2024

Yesterday’s Scorpio Scorpio Full Moon has all the makings of an energetic hangover. With watery connections to Mars and Neptune in Pisces along with hard energy from Pluto, we may be feeling emotional. Something may be bubbling from deep within.

Scorpio Full Moon: Inner Revelation

Scorpio Full Moon: Inner Revelation

Welcome to the Scorpio Full Moon, a time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on the intense emotions and experiences of life. Scorpio is the sign of alchemy. As part of the axis of matter, Scorpio is the necessary decay that makes way for new beginnings.

Photo by Mitya Ivanov on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 18, 2022

Mars meets up with Neptune in Pisces, a merge of planets that reminds us that we can’t be in control of everything. And as we navigate the recent lunar eclipse, let go so something better can arrive.

Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 15, 2020

We start the week off with an Aries Moon, a Moon that usually like’s to take action, move forward, and go after what it wants. But with Mars in Pisces alongside Neptune, we have to be compassionate with our actions and move forward with empathy.

Photo by 莎莉 彭 on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 12, 2020

The Moon joins Mars and Neptune in Pisces as we go into the weekend. It’s a call to let go as well as surrender our expectations. We’re at a crossroads as the Moon squares the Lunar Nodes. The direction forward may not be what we expected.

Sagittarius Full Moon: The Flood

Sagittarius Full Moon: The Flood

Welcome to the Sagittarius Full Moon, also a lunar eclipse. This is the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on themes of faith and meaning, truth and belief. It’s a full moon to focus on philosophy as well as the lens in which we see the world and others.

Photo by Bryan Goff on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 4, 2020

Emotions run high as we prepare for tomorrow’s lunar eclipse Sagittarius Full Moon. Between Mars and Neptune in Pisces and Mercury’s square to Chiron, what we’re feeling is deeper than this moment in time. It is coming up so it can be healed.

Photo by Jean-Paul TRIVEL on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 2, 2020

The Moon travels from Libra to Scorpio today, from element Air and social connection to element Water and deep emotions. With Mars in Pisces, we’re feeling deeply sensitive, empathic, compassionate, too. We’re also working on projects and towards our goals.

Photo by Michael Olsen on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: December 14, 2018

We start the weekend with a Pisces Moon, one that stirs up strong emotions, opinions. With conjunctions to Neptune, Mars, and Chiron, this Moon doesn’t make for the lightest of energies. It’s searching for answers and meaning, it’s digging into old scar tissue.