Welcome to December! It’s Sagittarius Season, the time in the zodiac calendar when we seek out new horizons. Sagittarius is the sign of faith and wisdom, philosophy and education. New doors are opening for all of us this month. Do we have the faith to forge ahead?

After the twists and turns of November, we end the year in a sort of in between. Mercury turns direct on December 6, making it the last of a series of planetary retrogrades that have made it hard to move forward. If you think back, we had Mars Retrograde in July-August followed Venus Retrograde in October-November. It’s been more about the past than the future, more about tying up loose ends than starting something new. (Although Uranus definitely tossed in a few curveballs throughout the year.)

That said, this Sagittarius Season is our first with Jupiter back home in Sagittarius. The new moon on December 7 will give us a big opportunity to connect with the planet of optimism. Depending on what sign we are, something in our life is expanding, growing, opening. Perhaps we could use some of Jupiter’s optimism. Many of us have been through hard times over the past year. We need something to feel hopeful about.

It’s important to note that Sagittarius is ultimately a sign that helps us to develop a sense of the world and ourselves in the world. It inspires us to explore, try new things, new cultures, new ways of thinking, all in an effort to figure out what this great big world is all about. But with Mars and Neptune in Pisces this month, there’s a pull between what we know to be true because we’ve experienced and lived it versus the truth we find deep within through meditation, prayer, mysticism, and contemplation. As a result, there’s an existential edge to our experiences in December.

Speaking of existential, Chiron turns direct in Pisces on December. While this is a subtle influence, it’s worth noting because this is the last time Chiron will be in Pisces for 50 years and Chiron Direct may bring something to the surface that you’ve been working on since 2011. Chiron reveals the emotional and spiritual knots that we keep coming back to resolve. It’s the spiritual scar tissue that marks our lives. With Chiron in Pisces the last seven years, we’ve been trying heal something very deep. This is once last chance to forgive and to let it all go.

A Cancer Full Moon on December 22 puts home, family, and emotional connection in the spotlight. A Cancer Moon can fill our proverbial cup … or reveal where we’re not getting what we need. Remember, 2019 is going to be a year when we all need to have more heart, more connection, more gentleness. Hopefully this full moon will help show the way towards making that happen.

Lastly, Mars slips into Aries on December 31, giving our New Year’s Even some fire. Mars is right at home in Aries, which means that January is going to be a month of action and new beginnings. Use Mars to move forward with confidence in the new year.

PS — Thanks for being patient with me as these are a touch late. I was sick for two weeks in November, which derailed a lot of things. Better late than never.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 12/1 Mercury in Scorpio; 12/2 Venus in Scorpio, Sun square Mars; 12/4 Mercury trine Chiron; 12/5 Sun square Neptune; 12/6 Mercury Direct 27 Scorpio; 12/7 New Moon 15 Sagittarius, Mars conjunct Neptune; 12/9 Chiron Direct 27 Pisces, Mercury trine Chiron; 12/12 Mercury in Sagittarius; 12/16 Venus sextile Saturn; 12/17 Mars sextile Pluto; 12/19 Sun square Chiron; 12/20 Sun trine Uranus; 12/21 Sun in Capricorn, Venus trine Neptune, Mercury conjunct Jupiter; 12/22 Full Moon 0 Cancer; 12/24 Mercury square Neptune; 12/28 Venus sextile Pluto; 12/31 Mars in Aries.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

Here you are at the end of a long journey. How do you feel? Tired? Weary? With Mars, your ruling planet, in Pisces, December is about endings. Some are bittersweet. Some are well needed. Astrology teaches us that there’s a time for everything under heaven and as you explore the sign of Pisces know that it’s time to let go and shed the past. It’s also a time for rest and recuperation, which is a contrast from your normal fast paced self. That said, don’t fight it if you’re feeling low on energy. You may also be doing some soul searching in December. Between Mars in existential, what does-it-all-mean Pisces and the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius, you’re on a quest for answers. Where will you find them? In a book or within a philosophy? In the dogma of religion and belief? Or will you find them in the quiet space within? Encoded in a dream or a flash of intuition? Sometimes answers are found in other lands. Sagittarius Season is travel season for you, especially the sort of travel that extends over long distances. There’s a curiosity and restlessness to this month, even as you feel the call to pull inward. Yes, it’s as if you’re straddling two worlds. On a more mundane level, you may be dealing with questions around education and legal matters, faith and belief. The new moon on December 7 underscores many of these themes previously mentioned — meaning, truth, faith, rest, letting go. If you’re the sort that has a hard time surrendering, really take time to contemplate what it means to surrender and all the complicated emotions that come with it. Other things to keep in mind … Uranus has been back in Aries since early November, potentially shaking things up in your world. (November in generally was a bit of a topsy-turvy month, actually.) So there’s still a bit of an electric current in the air. Additionally, Venus is back in Scorpio as of December 2 and if you remember your astrology then you’ll know that Venus spent October retrograde in Scorpio. You may be revisiting a relationship issue that initially surfaced during that time. It’s important to know that Venus in Scorpio for you is an unflinching look at the dark side of relationships. Whatever you’ve been working on since October was meant for you to take consciousness of your shadow in relationships. Which is to say, how you attract people into your life who are a mirror to the unconscious, unresolved parts of your soul and your psyche. December is a time for you to be more vulnerable, more open about yourself to others, and to heal any past trauma that may be affecting relationships. (Mars in Pisces will really be calling on you to let some of this stuff go once and for all, especially if any of it is toxic and addictive.) By December 21, the Sun arcs into Capricorn and you enter a time in your personal calendar when it’s about taking on more responsibility and defining the role you want to play in the world. Although the end of the year is typically quiet work wise, use the time to get focused on your goals and what you want to create in 2019. Saturn is still in your career sign of Capricorn. You’re still feeling the hustle to make something of yourself in the world. But you can’t forget your roots. The full moon on December 22 will put home, family, and foundation in the spotlight. You may have a decision to make about your living situation or where you metaphorically root and plant yourself. Are you getting your needs met? Are you taking sufficient care of what needs to be cared for in your life? By the end of the month, on December 31, just before 2018 slips into memory, Mars moves into Aries. Get ready to start the new year with a bang. Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Endings, letting go, rest, recuperation, shedding the past, surrender, existential questions, search for meaning, spirituality, belief, faith, truth, inner knowing, intuition, philosophy, ideology, worldview, morality, moral compass, right and wrong, higher education, foreign travel, quest, long distances, relationships, intimacy, vulnerability, trust, secrets, sexuality, money, shared assets, finance, career, responsibilities, place in the world, home, family, roots, foundation, emotional needs.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Whew, what a year it’s been, Taurus. Lots of ups and downs. Are you still standing? Let’s recap. In a way, the past six months gave you your marching orders, which is to say that something has to change and that change starts with you. Think of 2018 as a preview of the next big chapter in your life, one that will span over the coming seven years while the planet Uranus is in Taurus. On top of that, two major planets in your chart — Venus and Mars — were retrograde at various points in the last six months, which put a big focus on relationships. So as you negotiated a lot of ups and downs, some of that centered on how you interact with people in your life, from your romantic partnerships to all your important one-on-one relationships. Hopefully you learned something vital about yourself and what needs to evolve in how you relate to others. I mention this because, as you step into December, Venus moves back into Scorpio and revisits a story in your relationships that originally unfolded in September and October. Scorpio is an interesting sign for Venus to be in. Not only is it your relationship sign, but it is a sign that pushes you out of your comfort zone. You desire a strong partnership, one built on unbreakable trust and a powerful mutual attraction, but Scorpio is a sign that shows you yourself. It reveals the hidden parts of your soul, your psyche that you’re not seeing — your fears, your shadows. Whatever relationship story came up for you in September and October is showing you something about yourself, something that may have been uncomfortable. So, with this awareness, are you ready to make a change? December is your second chance. Good thing it’s Sagittarius Season and Jupiter is now in Sagittarius as well. It’s a sign that’s going to give you the confidence to look inward, be vulnerable, and make the changes you need to make. On a more mundane level, Sagittarius is one of your money signs and it’s a month to take a look at finances and assets. As a Taurus, you need financial stability, so make sure you are tending to anything that creates towards future wealth and sharing that wealth — retirement, insurance, estate, benefits, loans, inheritances, money from other people and sources. The new moon on December 7 will give you renewed focus over this area of your life. Try to plant seeds that will create wealth in its many forms. In other news, keep in mind that Mars is heating up friendships and social connections. You may feel more motivated than usual to spend time with friends or in your community. With Mars in Pisces, though, it’s a good time to help others and get involved in social causes. Lastly, a full moon on December 22 will put the spotlight on education, travel, information, and communication. You maybe hearing news, making a decision about schooling, or making plans for a trip. Since it’s the end of the year, it’s a good time to sit down and make a list of what you want to create in the upcoming year, especially knowing that a lot of big things need to shift in your life. Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Relationships, other people, partnership, one-on-one connections, socializing, interpersonal skills, balance, trust, power, control, give and take, compromise, facing yourself, facing fears, the shadow, the psyche, the deep self, emotional rebirth, money, assets, wealth, finance, benefits, loans, debt, a partner’s money, education, travel, faith, belief, information, communication, thinking, ideas, choices, writing, speaking.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Gemini! There’s so much going on in relationships right now! Let’s recap! Jupiter, your relationship planet, came home to Sagittarius in November. What this means is that the next twelve months is a natural time for you to make connections and open up to something new. Regardless of whether you’re single, already in a relationship, or don’t want a relationship, this is an opportunity to not go it alone. Partnership is an acquired skill. It requires work, compromise, and an understanding of the needs of others. This was something that you learned well while while Saturn was in Sagittarius from 2015-2017. Hopefully you used those years to build new partnership and shore up existing partnerships. So, in many ways, Jupiter in Sagittarius is the fruit of your labors. It’s a time for growth and expansion in all your connections. As you arrive in December, it’s important to note that Mercury, your ruling planet, is just about to come out of retrograde. This retrograde in particular was a time for you to rework, rethink, reflect on the role of relationships in your life. With new awareness comes new choice. When Mercury turns direct on December 6, it will do so in Scorpio, a sign that gives you an ability to see beyond the surface, like an X-ray. With relationships highlighted this month, you may be examining hidden motives and agendas of others as well as your own. If you had an issue with a partner come up during the retrograde, this is a time to clear the air and tie up loose ends. (It’s also a time to focus on your overall health and how you take care of your body. Nothing like this time of the year to make healthy resolutions for the new year.) On December 7 a new moon underscores this new time for relationships. The coming four weeks after the new moon will open doors as much as it will provoke. The new moon also touches on Mars, which has been high up in your chart, heating up career and ambitions. This is a busy time for you, one meant to push you towards something greater for yourself both professionally and in that broader sense of what direction you’re taking your life in. Note that Mars meets up with Neptune on the new moon, a reminder that whatever you’re doing in the world — even a partnership — has to align with your spiritual values. Neptune, in its best of times, is a do-gooder. It’s altruistic, compassionate, and wants to give back to the world. Then on December 12 Mercury gets back into Sagittarius and you’re once again focusing on relationships and connection. (Do you sense a theme?) By the end of the month, though, the vibe changes as the Sun slips into Capricorn on December 21, a sign that helps you to explore themes of security, wealth, and finance. It also touches on power and the deepest parts of yourself, the parts that make you feel vulnerable and insecure. Keep in mind that with Saturn in Capricorn until the end of 2020, you’re doing some big work on vulnerability and trust. And since you’re coming to the end of the year, any resolution that you can make to take better care of your emotional health will be well received by Saturn. So dig deep as you round out December, especially around the full moon on December 22. You may be feeling extra sensitive as a result. Are you safe? Do you have what you need in order to feel stable and grounded? Enough food in the kitchen or money in the bank? You may have an important decision to make about your future. Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Relationships, partnerships, other people, one-on-one connection, compromise, negotiation, growth, freedom, retracing steps, choices, reflection, decisions, editorializing, organization, sorting, health, wellness, taking care of the body, career, direction, responsibilities, emotional health, the psyche, facing fears, the deep self, vulnerability, safety, material needs, money, stability, security, grounding, value, worth.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

Here we are, Cancer. You made it through the year! How are you doing? 2018 was a year that put some pressure on you — pressure to take on more responsibility, pressure to work on your relationships, and pressure to make some powerful changes. When you look back, especially to July’s solar eclipse in Cancer, you’ll likely see a year that is pivoting you in a new direction. So, where do you want to go? This time of year, with the Sun in Sagittarius, always gives you a jump on your New Year’s resolutions. Sagittarius, after all, is your health and wellness sign. With Jupiter also in Sagittarius for the coming year, this is a wonderful time for you to recommit to your personal health, from how you take care of your body to bringing in more care and attention. Jupiter brings enthusiasm and new opportunities, so if you’ve been thinking of making positive changes in diet and fitness, this is your month, especially around the new moon on December 7. But it’s not just health getting attention this Sagittarius Season. It’s also a time for you to get things in order and on schedule. (Maybe you have some resolutions brewing for the new year.) That said, the new moon is poking at some of the beliefs you’ve been holding onto. It’s also pointing towards education and, as a result, you may be thinking about taking classes or getting specialized training for your career. You’ll want to get yourself in order as much as possible because come the new year, Mars will move into your career sign of Aries and January will likely be very busy as a result. By December 21, the Sun leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn, your relationship sign. For the rest of the month and into the new year you’ll be focusing on the partnerships in your life as well as how you interact, connect, compromise, and otherwise find balance with people in your life. With Saturn also in Capricorn until the end of 2021, you’re in a much bigger chapter where you’re having to get serious about relationships. It’s no longer about you; it’s about negotiating the needs of other people and strengthening your bonds with them. Lastly a full moon in Cancer on December 22 will put you in the spotlight. Are you ready for a new beginning? Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Health, wellness, taking care of the body, organization, schedule, details of daily life, projects, resolutions, work, philosophy, beliefs, faith, meaning, judgement, truth, travel, education, journey, search for meaning, getting older, taking next steps, next chapter, responsibilities, relationships, other people, finding balance, connection.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

‘Tis the season, Leo! With the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius, this December it’s time to celebrate. Sagittarius, after all, is the sign that inspires you to have fun and find your joy. You could use some joy, Leo, after the ups and downs of 2018. Maybe you’re celebrating having reached December, even as you look into a new year where you may not be so sure where you’re headed. I know I’ve belabored this point in previous horoscopes, but it’s important to remember that you’re on the cusp of some major changes — changes that you may have already started unfolding. The past six months gave you a preview of what needs to change. Between now and March you’re getting your ducks in a row, making plans, organizing, and preparing for the next big chapter of your life. And what’s changing? Career as well as the direction you’re steering things in. So enjoy the Sagittarian fun while you can. (It’s a good time to go on dates, FYI.) That said, the new moon on December 7 may feel intensely creative for you, a time when you’re not only feeling inspired to express yourself in new ways, but one that touches on deep passions and emotions. (Dare I say a sexy new moon, too?) The other side of this new moon is one that confronts you to look at your hidden agendas, the fears that unconsciously dictate how you express who you are, and any self destructive tendencies. Note that Mars is in Pisces all month long, so you’re already digging into the deepest parts of yourself, searching your emotions as well as themes of trust, vulnerability, power, and control. It’s also a month to focus on anything that creates a sense of wealth. Tend to your finances, manage your accounts, and create a financial plan for the future. By December 21 the Sun slips into Capricorn and it’s time to get back down to earth. Capricorn is a sign that points you towards real life, from the schedule you keep to the things you do on a daily basis to keep your life running smoothly. Since it’s the end of the year, what are your resolutions? How do you want to take care of your body in 2019? How do you want to organize your day differently? With Saturn in this part of your chart until the end of 2021, you’re already feeling pressure to focus on health and wellness and getting things cleaned out and organized. You’ll be having a big check in with Saturn in January to check your progress, so try to get things in order in the meantime. Plus, if you know that 2019 is a year of big shifts, use the rest of December to get ready. The full moon on December 22 is a good time to let go of any old habits or emotional baggage that’s holding you back from your new life. Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Creativity, self expression, identity, persona, fun, joy, talent, passion, performance, children, pregnancy, money, wealth, finance, assets, debt, loans, benefits, deep emotions, deep self, the psyche, facing fears, vulnerability, sexuality, intimacy, trust, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, detox, taking care of the body, daily life, details, projects, order, organization, work, resolutions.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

As you wrap up another year, it’s natural for you to be in a reflective mood. What worked? What didn’t work? As a Virgo, you tend to set a high bar for yourself and having Mercury, your ruling planet, down in Scorpio may have you over analyzing as you start the month. Mercury has been retrograde since November 16, so you’re naturally pulling back and rethinking your choices. (Just make sure you’re not obsessing too much, Virgo.) When Mercury turns direct on December 6, it’s time to move forward again. That said, it’s Sagittarius Season, the sign that forms the foundation of your chart. It’s a time to spend time with home, family, and otherwise nestling away from the world. With Jupiter also in Sagittarius for the coming twelve months, you’re in a larger frame of time where it’s about bring in new opportunities in the home and with family. You may be thinking about moving or making changes in your living situation. You may even be welcoming in a new addition to the family in the coming months. The new moon on December 7 will give you a reset in this area. Mars may bring some tensions in coming weeks, though, especially with other people. If you’re in a partnership, you may have to negotiate any changes in the home. Mars has been in your relationship sign of Pisces since November 15, so this is an area that’s been heating up the past few weeks. When Mars is in this part of your chart, it’s not what you want, but rather trying to strike a balance between your needs and the needs of someone else. (Mars can been a little argumentative and provocative in this part of your chart, too, so if things have been a bit unsettled between you and another person, things should calm down by the new year.) By December 21, the Sun moves into Capricorn, and you’re checking in with a story that’s been unfolding since the beginning of 2018. Specifically, are you taking yourself seriously? Are you working hard to cultivate a stronger sense of self? Are you taking your talents seriously? We all have something we’re good at. Creativity comes in so many forms. So don’t overlook yourself. When we look at the larger story of the astrology right now, so much is happening beneath the surface with you. Take this into mind as you round out the year that this is a time to plan as well as to tend to the soil and roots of your life. The full moon on December 22, however, points you in the direction of the future. What are your hopes and wishes for 2019? Let yourself dream big, but also confront where you’re self sabotaging and getting in your way. Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, emotional life, emotional needs, emotional connection, emotional bonds, inner circle, nest, choices, ideas, the mind, thinking, overanalyzing, obsession, fixation, learning, classes, education, travel, the neighborhood, siblings, the self, personal, identity, creativity, self expression, talent, relationships, other people, negotiation, compromise, community, friendship, social circle, social network, the future, hopes, dreams, wishes.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

Let’s rewind a little bit, Libra. Our story begins in September when Venus arrived in Scorpio, a sign that is not the most comfortable place for your ruling planet to be. As a result, you had to experience Scorpio’s fierce emotional intensity as well as its predilection for power and control during September and October. It’s possible that these months felt raw, forcing you to sort through themes of trust and control, safety, and stability. Here’s the thing. Venus turned retrograde on October 5 and you spent October and November karmically reviewing these very themes of trust, power, intimacy, and relationships. What did you learn? Did you have any epiphanies? Any breakdowns? Breakups? Breakthroughs? I mention this because, as you step into December, the story isn’t quite over. Venus arrives back into Scorpio and you’re still retracing your steps until mid December. Think of this month as the time you implement all the changes you realize you have to make in regards to how you interact with people, especially in your intimate partners and relationships. That said, it’s Sagittarius Season, which means that it’s a month for travel and movement, for learning and exploring. With Jupiter also in Sagittarius, education and communication will have greater focus into the new year. You may be inspired to write, take a class, or go on a trip, especially around the new moon on December 7. It’s also a time to get new information or to literally receive news. Don’t forget, Mars is heating up your sign of work and projects, health and wellness. So the news you receive may relate to those matters. Make sure you’re seeing past illusions. By December 21, the Sun moves into Capricorn, bringing you back home to your roots. Capricorn forms the foundation of your chart. And with Saturn also in Capricorn, this is a time to check in with a major theme in 2018 — building and tending to the foundation of your life. It’s likely that this year has brought major milestones and achievements, especially in your home and personal life. Maybe you’ve moved, made a major change in the home, started a family, or planted down roots. The full moon on December 22 puts these changes into the spotlight. You’re older and hopefully wiser. That said, what direction are you going to go in 2019? What are your ambitions both personally and professionally? You may have a career decision to make around the full moon, too. And note that as you step into January, you’re heading into an eclipse season that will signal that 2019 is another milestone year and you’ll likely be seeing changes in home, family, and even relationships. Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Intimacy, vulnerability, trust, value, worth, stability, security, resource, money, spending, basic needs, home, family, roots, foundation, living situation, private life, inner world, move, emotional needs, memories, the past, education, information, leaning, writing, speaking, communication, travel, trips, search, journey, truth, health, wellness, taking care of the body, work, projects, details, schedule, career, ambitions, public life, outer world, professional life, responsibilities.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

What a year it’s been, Scorpio. Amirite? Between the rumbles of Uranus in Taurus and the ups and downs of this years’ eclipses, you’re likely in a different place than you were in January. Maybe not literally in a different place, but certainly emotionally and psychically. As you prepare for a new year, you know what you have to do. You always know what you have to do, even if it’s difficult. 2018 gave you your marching orders so to speak and now it’s time to take action on all the things you know you have to change. No more putting things off. That said, it’s Sagittarius Season. And while Jupiter is no longer in Scorpio, it is in Sagittarius, which is your sign of money, income, and material stability. This month, especially after the new moon on December 7, is a time to focus on your material life. Do you have everything you need? Do you need to make more money? Jupiter brings growth, expansion, and new opportunities, which means that this is the month to make bring in more financial abundance and resource. (Jupiter may also make you extra spendy, so just a heads up.) Keep in mind that Mars, your ruling planet, is over in Pisces. While this is a month to experience romance, play, and creativity, Mars’s square to the new moon means that in order to take full opportunity of Jupiter, you need to stop holding back with your talents, stop putting a damper on what makes you you. Speaking of dampers, you’ve had Mars coming up to a conjunct to Neptune, making for a spacey, hazy, lower energy start to December. (If you’ve been sick, make sure you’re getting your rest, and if you’ve been overdoing it courtesy of Jupiter in Sagittarius, definitely make sure you’re getting your rest.) By December 21, the mood gets a little more serious as the Sun arrives in Capricorn. Remember, you’re a year into a three year story where you’re making your voice and your education a priority. Saturn is in Capricorn and Saturn wants you to take responsibility for your choices, your thoughts, and ideas. Maybe you’ve been studying over the last year or taking specialized classes. The new year will bring a check in with this process. The next day, on December 22, a Cancer Full Moon will light up your sign of foreign travel, long distance journeys, and higher education. You may be planning a trip, making a decision about your education, or even simply getting clearer about what you believe in. With Cancer as your sign of faith, you always have to do what your heart is in. And if your heart’s not in it … well …. That said, do know that January is going to be a busy month as well as a month that will propel you forward into the next chapter of your life. Get ready to make some career changes. PS … Venus is in Scorpio all month long, giving you magnetic charm and seductive powers. Use wisely. Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Money, income, security, stability, material life, what you own, basic needs, resources, value, worth, spending, abundance, creativity, self expression, persona, confidence, talent, romance, flirtation, communication, travel, long distance journeys, short trips, information, learning, education, training, writing, speaking, thinking, the mind.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Happy birthday, Sagittarius! You made it! I say this because, over the past year, you were dealing with Jupiter in Scorpio, a sign that pulled you inward into your own personal shadows. It wasn’t the most upbeat place for your ruling planet to be in, but a necessary step in the journey of life. And, hey, you’re philosophical enough to understand that sometimes the road of life is bumpy. That said, you arrive in December not only celebrating a birthday, but enjoying the return of Jupiter to your sign. Its year long stay in Sagittarius should give you a boost of confidence, a sense of renewal, and a return to yourself. You may even be feeling a restless urge to set out on another journey. (You’re always on the move, Sagittarius, aren’t you?) The new moon on December 7 gives you a new beginning to start you on this coming chapter of your life. Highlighting Jupiter in Sagittarius, you’re getting a call to share your wisdom, to teach, to be the guru. With the new moon’s square off to Mars and Neptune in Pisces, you may be feeling a little ungrounded this month, as if the things that have anchored you are not quite there. It’s also a sensitive month and Mars’s time in Pisces this December makes home and family a major area of focus. You may be preparing for a move, making changes in the home, or welcoming guests. Mars in this part of the chart can may for a home that is anything but quiet this season, but if anything you’re more motivated than usual to have meaningful emotional connection and to get your emotional needs met. Additionally, we can’t forget that Mercury, a major planet in your chart, turns direct on December 6, bringing forward movement to relationships and career. If something has been stalled or needing a second look, then the days after December 6 should bring things to a head. By December the Sun dips into Capricorn and starts to highlight a part of your life that’s been getting a workout all 2018 long — money and financial/material stability. If you’ve been doing your homework, you’ve been taking a serious look at what you value, how you make your money, and what you spend it on. Saturn’s in Capricorn until the end of 2020, so no slacking. So as you start the new year, you may be making some financial resolutions to bring a stronger sense of material stability to your life. Speaking of which, a full moon will put wealth and finance in the spotlight. You may be making decisions about debt and loans or even the assets and financial accounts that help you to build greater financial stability. This is also a full moon to face your fears, so if money is something that causes anxiety and worry, how do you face this part of your life head on? What are the roots of your relationship with money? Are they inherited from your family? Note that January is the start of another eclipse season, one that will demand powerful and lasting financial changes. December is getting you ready. In the meantime, optimistic Jupiter is on your side. Everything is going to be all right … right? Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  You, the self, new beginnings, renewal, new chapter, expansion, growth, optimism, confidence, teaching, being the guru, leadership, knowledge, wisdom, philosophy, travel, journeys, search, seeking, home, family, roots, foundation, emotional core, inner world, inner life, emotional connection, sensitivity, forgiveness, compassion, money, income, spending, value, worth, material needs, material stability, financial stability, financial decisions, debt, loans, benefits, insurance, estate, inheritance.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

It’s the end of 2018, Capricorn, and it’s a natural time for you to pull inward to reflect, rest, and prepare for the road ahead. And since it’s Sagittarius Season, you’re also searching for meaning and understanding of your life throughout this year. What worked? What didn’t work? Use this month to shed the past, letting go of the weight and negative habits that have held you back. The Sagittarius New Moon on December 7 is like a spiritual reset, a day to turn towards life’s deeper questions. With Jupiter also in Sagittarius, this is a time in your life to explore questions of faith and truth. Sometimes the search for god isn’t somewhere outside but within. As a result, you may be leaning towards mystical matters, meditation, and spirituality in the coming weeks. If you are the intuitive type, the new moon may usher in a time when you’re making a stronger connection to your intuition as well as your inner voice. Pay attention to feelings or sensations that give you richer insight as to what’s going on beyond the surface. But first, quiet your mind. Seek out dreams and visions. Don’t be surprised if you’re feeling extra emotionally sensitive, especially in the first half of this month. By December 21, the Sun moves into Capricorn and you prepare to celebrate another birthday. With Saturn also in Capricorn for the next two years, this birthday may feel a little different, a little sombre. Saturn in your sign — even though it’s at home in Capricorn — can feel like a weighty influence. You’re more acutely aware of time, its passage, and the feeling of getting older. (I swear, I’m not trying to be a bummer, Capricorn.) With an awareness of time comes a need for purpose and so you’re entering the new year feeling as though you need to make some decisions, some changes, or work harder to achieve the things you want to achieve. One of the areas of your life that’s getting major focus right now is relationships. The full moon on December 22 puts partnership in the spotlight and you may have a decision to make about a relationship or feel motivated to make changes in your relationship story. But whatever you decide, you need to make some tough realizations about yourself and what your relationships have mirrored in you up until this point. Is there a few uncomfortable truths wrapped up in the sort of partnerships you’ve been involved in historically or presently? Venus is in Scorpio all month long, so it’s a month to look at uncomfortable truths in regards to relationships. With new awareness comes new consciousness about what needs to change in your relationships. Lastly, note that December leads you up to another eclipse season and if you know your astrology you’ll know that eclipses denote a turn in the wheel of fate. Translation? Your life is getting ready to head in a new direction. And if you were born on January 5 or in the days before or after, the coming year is going to be very new indeed. Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Endings, letting go, shedding skin, retreat, rest, recuperation, dreams, the unconscious, existential questions, search for meaning, inner truth, compassion, intuition, psychic ability, information, ideas, communication, writing, speaking, listening, the voice, learning, clases, education, choices, travel, trips, movement, restlessness, the self, new beginnings, moving forward, getting older, feeling time, maturity, responsibility, relationships, other people, cooperation, partnership, milestones, change, the shadow self, transformation.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Another year winds down, Aquarius. It’s likely been an interesting one, a year punctuated by major twists and turns. Let’s recap! The eclipses this past January and February followed by eclipses in July and August signalled that it was time for your life to take a turn. Plus there was a major planetary shift in May that may have created rumbles in your personal life. Did you see big events in those months? Did you make a major decision around that time? The story this year has unfolded in two key areas of your life — relationships and home. I mention this because this theme will continue into the new year. You may be making a major change in your living situation, looking to uproot yourself, plant new roots, or get authentic about what you need to feel safe, loved, nourished, and supported in your life. That said, it’s Sagittarius Season, a time in your personal calendar when you look towards the future in search of the bigger picture. It’s also a time to make connections with friends and to spend time in your community. With Jupiter a long term visitor to Sagittarius, the coming months may see new opportunities and growth in your social circle. The new moon on December 7 in particular is a time to make new friends, renew current ones, and otherwise find your people. A hard aspect to Mars and Neptune, however, may have you wondering what your value is. Whomever you call your friend or spend time with has to value you for who you are. Speaking of Mars, it’s in your sign of money and resource for the rest of the month. You’re feeling motivated to focus on tending to your material life. Sometimes you can be a little unattached to physical stuff. Nevertheless, we live in a physical world, so make sure you’re all set on food, shelter, and your bank account — you know, the basics. On the flip side, Saturn, your ruling planet, is tucked away in Capricorn right now, which means that you’re in a long chapter of pulling away from the world, shedding old skin, and searching for spiritual or existential meaning. When the Sun arrives in Capricorn on December 21, it’s a check in with this major chapter in your life. You could say that Capricorn is your sign of endings, which may be a strong word, but all you have to do is look back at 2018 and see a life that is crossing over into something new if not unknown. That said, the full moon on December 22 will put health and wellness into the spotlight. Make sure you’re tending to your physical body as well as your spiritual body. Purify and detox. It’s also a time to make some decisions about the coming year as this is a full moon to get real, to sort, to let go, and clear space. Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Friends, community, social circle, social network, groups, humanity, collective, politics, intellect, academia, the future, looking ahead, hopes, wishes, value, worth, material needs, material stability, money, resource, what you own, spending, basics, endings, letting go, end of the road, existential questions, inner truth, meaning, relationships, partnership, other people, milestones, compromise.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Pisces! It’s hustle time! Maybe you’d rather use the end of year to relax, but between Mars in Pisces and the Sun and Jupiter traveling through the highest reaches of your chart, it’s a month to take action, take on responsibility, and to bring new beginning to your professional life. Let’s recap a little. Back in November, Jupiter arrived in Sagittarius for a year long stay. And since Jupiter is your ruling planet, its change of sign signaled that you were entering a chapter where career, ambition, and worldly status will be priority. Whatever drives you, whatever fuels your ambitions, Pisces, has to align with your core values. You’re not a sign that can’t put your heart into something that you’re not passionate about, that doesn’t feel like it’s giving back in some way. Remember that this month, especially with the Sagittarius New Moon on December 7. You’re in the spotlight as a result. Your career and even your reputation could get a boost. It’s a time for new professional opportunities, so don’t let this time pass you by if you’re looking to get recognition or make changes in your career. Again, the cosmos is giving you a nudge to do what you love, what makes you passionate, and what is aligned with your values and ethics. It’s time to be the teacher, the guru, and the evangelist. (Pisces, by the way, is a sign that’s known for its humanitarian work and other acts of charity and compassion.) In other news, you may be feeling a little emotional this month and perhaps even a touch moody or temperamental. True, Mars in Pisces is motivating you to take action this month, but don’t be surprised if you’re feeling a little edgy or argumentative. And since you’re a sensitive sign, you may be picking up on Chiron in Pisces’s change of direction on December 9, which may be giving you all sorts of existential feels. (Then again, whatever you’re feeling tends to be what everyone else is feeling; you’re empathic like that.) As dynamic as this month is, if you’re feeling some old wounds get activated, some deep feelings about being alone and unsupported, just know that Chiron may be pressing on some deep scar tissue in the first half of this month. By December 21, you enter Capricorn Season, a new zodiac month that brings a focus to community and friendships. Keep in mind that with Saturn also in Capricorn, you’ve got two more years to get serious about community and friendships and build stronger social connection. Sometimes when Saturn is in this part of the chart we can feel alienated, as if we have no friends and community. Saturn just wants you to get very precise about the people you have in your life. Every connection must be rock solid and built on a shared sense of responsibility to each other. As you ponder your New Year’s resolutions, make sure they include making an effort to join a social club, to define what you want community to look like, to make time for friends, and to make new friends. On December 22 a full moon gets to the heart of what makes you you. Even as you strengthen your social network, be mindful of who you are and express that. Sometimes you hold back, but this full moon is an invitation to reveal yourself, to celebrate your talent and creativity into the new year. Want to learn more about how the astrology of December will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes:  Instinct, action, motivation, the self, new beginnings, argument, aggression, courage, career, responsibilities, professional life, worldly life, status, reputation, recognition, direction, social value, philosophy, belief, faith, being a guru, teaching, social network, community, friendships, social connection, hopes, wishes, vision, the future, sensitivity, compassion, forgiveness.

Photo by Jairph on Unsplash