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Astro Daily: October 12, 2020

We’re rounding out the lunar month this week, which means that it’s time to wrap up projects and initiatives that we started in September. We’re also on the cusp of Mercury Retrograde. Keep this in mind if communication, choices aren’t so clear right now.

Photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 9, 2020

Mars makes its second square to Pluto, two planets that are like an evolutionary force combined, bringing great pressure to change. Don’t be surprised if something old — anger, aggression — comes up. Pluto can reveal and transform something previously hidden.

Photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 8, 2020

Today’s Cancer Moon not only means we’re turning our attention to matters of home and family, but we’re arriving at the last quarter moon. It’s the last stretch of a story that began on September 17 with the new moon. Things are coming into focus.

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Astro Daily: October 7, 2020

Another busy, restless day as the Moon continues its way through Gemini. We’re obsessed with the facts. We need ideas, thoughts, and information. We have to get to the bottom of something. What we find may change the way we see things, dramatically so.

Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 6, 2020

The Moon moves into Gemini and we’ve got things to do, places to go. It’s a chatty and social day, one where we’re sharing our opinions as well as looking out into the world for new ideas. With Mercury opposite Uranus, information may shock or illuminate.

Photo by J E S U S R O C H A on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 5, 2020

We go into the week with a Taurus Moon, one that’s touching on emotional themes. Am I safe? Can I trust? Can I be open? We’re searching deep within, too, confronted by heretofore hidden emotions. After all, Pluto just turned direct and it’s holding a mirror to us.

October 2020 Horoscopes

October 2020 Horoscopes

Welcome to October. It’s Libra Season, the time in the zodiac calendar when we turn our attention to relationships in their many forms. As humans, we thrive on connection. We must learn to cooperate and compromise. We also need beauty and harmony.

Photo by Lawrson Pinson on Unsplash

Astro Daily: October 2, 2020

We’re coming off an intense Aries Full Moon, one that may have been inspirational and motivational or even confrontational. As a result, we’re taking action as we go into the weekend, moving forward with anything the full moon demanded that we tend to.

Aries Full Moon: Scar Tissue

Aries Full Moon: Scar Tissue

Welcome to the Aries Full Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on taking action, finding our courage, and going after what we want. Aries is a dynamic sign, the first of the fire signs, and one that helps us find our spark.

Photo by Patrick Langwallner on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 30, 2020

The Moon rounds out its time in Pisces today, getting us ready for tomorrow’s Aries Full Moon. Use today to rest as the astrological energy is on the tense side this week. An Aries Full Moon can be dynamic and inspirational, but also confrontational.

Photo by Adrian Newell on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 29, 2020

Mars squares Saturn as Saturn turns direct. It’s a day to set boundaries and expectations, to take a serious look at our relationships. Our actions must also have focus, discipline, accountability. We’re at the last stage of something that began nearly three years ago.