Venus reaches the end of Libra. It’s a day to reflect on our many relationships, how we connect and socialize, partner and relate. After a square to Saturn, something may have come to an end or needed redefinition. Tomorrow, Venus arrives in Scorpio.

The move between Libra and Scorpio, in traditional terms, is an awkward move. Venus isn’t at home in Scorpio, a sign where it finds itself driven by Mars’s passion and desire. For that, Venus has a reputation for seduction in Scorpio. It’s possessive and a bit of a femme fatale.

But, despite this, there’s a lot of power with Venus in Scorpio. What we love and how we connect to one another now needs depth. We have to understand what really motivates and drives us in a relationship. We need a partnership that transforms and someone with whom we completely trust.

Tomorrow is also the start of Sagittarius Season. (Happy birthday, Sagittarius!) It always seems like we have a foot in one sign and one in another. With the Sun moving into Sag, we switch our attention from Mars to Jupiter, which is its ruling planet. And Jupiter is still in contact with Pluto and Sag, so we may feel a bit of a strong shift on Saturday.

What do we put our faith in? What do we believe to be true? These are the sort of questions we have to answer when the Sun’s in Sagittarius.

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Video — The Astrology of November 16-22, 2020

November 2020 Horoscopes

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