The Moon arrives in Aries, picking up on the fire and passion of Sagittarius Season. But the Moon also picks up on Mars in Aries, recently direct, and tempers and impatience may flare. Give this energy a positive outlet through creativity and physical exercise.

If you recall, Mars was retrograde from September 9 until November 13. During that time, we had to take a second look at how we use our Mars, which is to say, our relationship both conscious and unconscious with power and will as well as anger and aggression. What did we learn?

Now Mars is direct and it’s a particularly strong point in the heavens at present. (In fact, if you see it in the night sky, Mars is visibly and noticeably red.) We have to use our Mars differently now. That was the point at least. If there was a lack of confidence and courage, we need to stand up for ourselves. If we pushed over people, then we need to be more conscientious.

Let’s not forget that we’re less than a week away from a lunar eclipse. Life’s starting to get interesting. We’re preparing for the next act, the following chapter. If you want to know what this lunar eclipse will activate for you on November 30, make sure you watch the replay of my weekly astrology video here. You can also watch on YouTube, IGTV, or listen on Spotify.

Read More:

Video — The Astrology of November 23-29, 2020

Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign

November 2020 Horoscopes

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