Happy Capricorn New Moon! This is the time of the lunar calendar when we start fresh in all things Capricorn. Think worldly ambition, success, achievement, career, and mastery. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn sets a high bar and it’s no wonder that we use this time of year to set goals, resolutions, and plans for the future. The new moon will be exact on January 9, 2016 at 8:30 pm EST, 19 degrees Capricorn. For those further afield, that’s 5:30 pm Los Angeles, 1:30 am London on January 10, and 12:30 pm Sydney.

New moons are new beginnings, opening up a story that will unfold over the coming four weeks. But what happens when the new moon falls on one of the more potent planetary alignments in recent memory? This won’t be just any new beginning.

Falling just a few degrees off of Pluto and Uranus, the new moon will create a powerful recipe for transformation. Get ready to shift gears because the coming days will set in motion events that will push us to make a radical change, start over, take control, do something unexpected, or make a commitment as well as a leap of faith. Because of the distance (aka 3–4 degree orb) between Pluto, Uranus, and the new moon, it will be interesting to see what’s going on around January 13–14 and how this will activate part of the story.

The words “game changer” have been bumping around in my head the past couple of days. I get this sense that something is about to shift. (Perhaps I’m biased; the new moon is closely angled to my Pluto/MC conjunction.) Here’s the thing to keep in mind though — anytime you have the outer planets wrapped up in the astrology, and by outer I mean Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, there’s some level of non negotiable transformation or personal evolution happening. So, again, get ready to shift gears.

However, we don’t have to get taken for a ride. Here we are nine days after the new year. You’re being given the opportunity to start 2016 off on a powerful footing. What do you want to change? How do you want to rewrite the script of your life this year? Where do you need a breakthrough?

There’s two things I want to point out about this new moon chart apart from Uranus square Pluto. The first is Mercury Retrograde. Not only will we be revisiting the past over the next four weeks, there’s a sense that whatever we decide to birth this month may take until after Mercury turns direct on January 25 for it to fully come into form.

Two, if we follow Saturn, the ruler of the new moon, to Sagittarius, that will lead us to Jupiter in Virgo exactly on the North Node. Wow. Jupiter is growth, optimism, faith. The North Node is destiny, the road ahead, our spiritual north point on the compass. For all the bumps and bruises of Uranus and Pluto, something amazing is ahead. True, Virgo isn’t exactly diamonds and riches. It’s hard work, service, craft, and perfection. Maybe we’re getting something right this month. Maybe it’s all coming together through Virgo’s exacting standards. Maybe we’re finally getting a glimpse of the bigger picture.

Capricorn says, if you want to reach the mountain top, be prepared to climb.

Enjoyed this post? I also do private, one-on-one consultations via Skype and phone, which allow us to delve into your chart and reveal where this new moon will manifest. Go to my consultations page to book your session. Check out my testimonials and FAQ to learn more about what I do.