Last day of Virgo Season. We’ve had four weeks to gather, sort, organize, and prepare for shorter days and colder nights. Are you ready? With the Sun’s arrival in Libra, we enter a time spent sharing, connecting, and enjoying the abundance of the harvest.

When we reach the end of a sign like we have today, we’re wrapping up and taking stock of our experiences over the previous weeks. Did we learn our Virgo lessons? Did we get a handle of the details of daily life from staying on schedule to honoring our responsibilities? Did we eat healthier or make exercise a priority? Did we hone our craft? Were we of service to others?

Libra Season, however, teaches us the importance of relationship in all its forms. Ruled by the planet Venus, it’s the sign of cooperation, negotiation, peace, and balance. It’s no longer about the individual “I”, but rather the “We”. How do we learn to see eye-to-eye? Can we understand the perspective of others or find consensus?

This Libra Season points us toward Venus in Scorpio, a sign that picks away at the Libra’s veneer of charm and grace to expose the things that happen behind closed doors. So as we navigate our relationships this coming season, we’re also looking at their intimate facet and digging into themes of trust, vulnerability, power, control, secrets, abuse, shame, and the power it takes to turn darkness into light.

Lastly we’re in line for a Pisces Moon weekend, an energy that wants to curl up, retreat, and find peace and quiet. Enjoy.

Read More:

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

Venus Through the Signs

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Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash