We’ve got a lovely Leo Moon to start the weekend, a Moon that likes to play, have fun, and create. We’re also coming up to the first quarter moon, which means that whatever story the May 4 new moon began is ready for its dramatic closeup.

Taurus Season speaks to safety and stability. It’s what we need to feel like we can put down roots whether it’s food in the kitchen or money in the bank. It’s the comfort of home and family. (The Moon, the ruler of Cancer, is exalted in Taurus, which is a fancy way of saying that the Moon really likes being in Taurus.)

So this weekend is a time to get down to brass tacks. Taurus may be the fertility and potential of life, but it needs a vision. What do you want to create so that you can have stability and security in your life? Is it a job you love? Is it the emotional connection that you crave to make you feel like you’re safe and loved?

The Sun trines Saturn on Saturday (Saturn’s day) and we’re ready to build and take action. The Sun is coming up on a trine to Pluto, too, so we’ve got a lot of power behind what we’re choosing to create. Plus, the Moon moves into Virgo on Sunday, a day for getting things done and staying on task.

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Webinar — The Lunar Nodes: Your Soul’s Compass

May 2019 Horoscopes

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