The Virgo Moon gets us started this week and, along with the Taurus Sun, it’s all about element earth. It’s a day to be practical, to build, organize, and pay attention to the details. A trine from Saturn gives us a boost, too, provided we step up to responsibility.

I was having a conversation recently with a friend about Saturn. Since she recently turned 28 and is at the very beginning of her Saturn Return, I explained that she’s under Saturn’s watch for the next two years, which means there’s no cutting corners, no slacking off.

I’m actually a big fan of Saturn because it’s a very transparent planet. You know exactly what it wants — for us to do the right thing, to be responsible, to get our work done, and honor time as well as our word.

So while many of us are not in the Saturn Return (age 28-29), it’s still a day to do Saturn proud and strive to be a better, upstanding version of ourselves.

Taurus is the first earth sign. It speaks to resources and raw materials. In Virgo we take these materials and plan. But in Capricorn we build and master and, over time, have something solid to show for it.

Don’t forget, I’m teaching a webinar on Saturday, May 18, one of my many deep dive looks at various yet important topics in astrology. This one is on the Lunar Nodes. Even if you are a beginner, it’s important to understand that your birth chart — your soul — has a compass and knowing where north is can help you have greater clarity about the journey ahead. Click here to learn more and register.

Read More:

Webinar — The Lunar Nodes: Your Soul’s Compass

The Lunar Nodes: Finding Your Soul’s True North

In Defense of Saturn

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

May 2019 Horoscopes

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