The Sun joins up with Chiron in Aries today. We begin a new cycle of healing and tending to some of our most oldest scars. Chiron in Aries shows us where we have to be brave, where we have to have to courage to start over and step up and be the leader.

The thing about Chiron is that there’s a lot of emotional, psychic, and spiritual material getting stirred up as we try to take action. It’s like those moments when we have to do something huge, but our knees are shaking, our heart racing, and our lack of confidence undercuts us. We have to summon a bravery that is bigger than our fears. Can we do it?

Chiron in Aries is an invitation to rise up against our instincts to run and hide. It’s an invitation to be a leader and have the courage to strike out on our own. As we all know, when we watch someone triumph over impossible odds and circumstances it inspires us to do the same. Collectivity is very much a part of our Chiron experience. When we heal or transform ourselves, we help others do the same.

Chiron also speaks to a knot in the fabric of our life that we’re trying to undo. If bravery is something that you’ve struggled with or has defined your life in some way, especially if you were born between 1968 and 1977, the years that Chiron was last in Aries, then use today to create something new.

Additionally, the Libra Moon also squares the Nodes today, picking up on hard aspects from Saturn and Pluto, too. This is a somewhat intense start to the weekend. While the Libra Moon loves to be social and connect with others, we may be dealing with power dynamics or having to negotiate or compromise in a way that feels emotionally charged. With the North Node in Cancer, we have to not only follow our heart, but make sure our needs are getting taken care of, too.

Read More:

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Libra Full Moon: Turning Point

Webinar: Uranus in Taurus

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