A Scorpio Moon takes us into the weekend, one that plays on our deeper emotions and works to reveal something typically hidden within. With Mars in Cancer, this may be complicated or messy emotions from the past, from memory, and from family.

We’re only two weeks away from the official start of eclipse season with an Aries New Moon solar eclipse, but we’re already in its energies. As I mentioned with yesterday’s Libra Full Moon, Aries and Libra are going to be two signs getting a lot of attention over the next 18-months. Which is to say, we’re going to be working on how we negotiate and compromise, how we connect and relate, how we take action and go after what we want.

Scorpio, on the other hand, along with Taurus, are signs that we’re starting to conclude our time with. As you may remember, we’ve been navigating eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio since November 2021. They punctuated our experiences in April-May 2022 and again in October-November 2022.

Perhaps when we reflect back, we can see a common thread. Or we can see that these periods — and even the midpoint of these dates in July-August 2022 — brought major events. That’s what eclipses do; they thread our lives together, opening up new chapters or swiftly closing out others.

It’s been a little hard having the South Node of the Moon in Scorpio. It’s meant that we’ve had to sit with Scorpio’s energies of letting go, endings, transformation, and rebirth. We’ve worked on themes of vulnerability and intimacy. We’ve had to face our shadow self or our deepest emotions.

We’ve got one last eclipse in Scorpio on May 5, a lunar eclipse at 14 degrees. Look to the Scorpio Moon today and tomorrow to give you hints and clues to the events of May.

That said, the mood lightens on Sunday when the Moon arrives in Sagittarius, picking up on the fire of Jupiter in Aries. We’re ready to go, spring forth, and set out on adventures.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for April 8-10, 2023.

Read More:

Webinar — Pluto in Aquarius: A New Era

Webinar — Saturn in Pisces: 2023-2026

Pluto in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Mars in Cancer: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of April 3-9, 2023

Video — The Astrology of April 3-9, 2023

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

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Photo by Filipp Romanovski on Unsplash