After a twelve-year journey, Jupiter arrives in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. If Jupiter is the sign of wisdom and knowledge, adventure and quest, then we’re on the search for something new.

Jupiter in Aries brings new experiences and new vision. It inspires us to go out in the world, to cultivate what we believe in as well as what we stand for. It’s a Jupiter to motivate others and rally them behind a cause.

Jupiter was last in Aries from June 10 to September 9, 2010 and from January 22, 2011 to June 4, 2011.

Note that Jupiter will retrograde back to Pisces on October 28, 2022 before returning to Aries on December 20, 2022.

Aries and Aries Rising The self, new beginnings, new initiatives, personal growth. It’s the start of a new adventure! Jupiter inspires you to move forward, take action, and find a sense of mission and purpose. You may feel inspired to teach and share what you know. Jupiter can also make you feel like things are growing and expanding. (It has been known to coincide with weight gain and pregnancy.) You may feel more confident than usual. Just be careful to not be too overly confidant.

Taurus and Taurus Rising Inner wisdom, spirituality, retreat, existential search. Jupiter pulls you inward. It’s the end of a long journey, twelve years long in fact. It’s time for existential questions, to discover meaning and wisdom at the end of a long road. You may feel a natural pull towards spirituality, all on a quest to find answers, or even get involved in spiritual groups and community.

Gemini and Gemini RisingCommunity, friendships, social causes, ideals. Jupiter is starting to come to the end of its journey through your personal zodiac calendar. There’s a sense of looking towards the future, gaining inspiration for the next twelve years to come. There’s growth with your social circle and friendships. You’re inspired to get involved with your community in addition to social causes and social issues.

Cancer and Cancer RisingCareer, professional growth, ambitions. It’s a time for professional growth and opportunity. Use this time wisely as doors may open more easily, but you still have to be ready to walk through them. You may also feel more ambitious, ready to reach for your goals, or have the courage to take a risk. If something ends, something my quickly come in its place.

Leo and Leo RisingFaith, meaning, travel, education, law. Jupiter inspires you to go out into the world. The coming year may be a time of travel as well as voyages to long distance shores. It’s also a time when you’re sharing what you know, from publishing and broadcasting your ideas to standing up for your ideals and vision. There’s a strong need to understand things and look at life through a philosophical lens. Higher education may be a focus, too.

Virgo and Virgo RisingInner work, the deep self, assets, wealth. The search for answers pulls you into the deepest parts of yourself. The coming year is a perfect time to focus on emotional and mental health and to do the requisite inner work. Jupiter in Aries may also bring in financial resources, helping to inspire new investments and add benefits and support and even wealth.

Libra and Libra RisingRelationships, other people, connection. Jupiter breathes new life into relationships. The coming year may bring in new connections as well as bolster existing relationships. If we’re stuck in a negative relationship, then Jupiter may bring the courage and confidence to leave. Nevertheless, the following months may be more social than usual.

Scorpio and Scorpio RisingHealth, fitness, work, projects, service. Jupiter inspires you to focus on your health and wellness. This may bring new fitness regimens or a need to eat more healthily. You may have more physical energy, too, energy that may be easily channeled into work and projects as well as exercise. There’s a desire to help and serve others while bring order and structure to your daily life.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius RisingCreativity, self expression, identity, talent, children. Jupiter points you home. As your ruling planet, Jupiter’s move into a new sign is not only a new beginning, but one that invites you to return to the things that give you life. Over the coming year, it’s time to focus on the things that help you express who you are, from creative initiatives to passions and hobbies. Make space for fun and play. And, if you’re interested in getting pregnant, this may be a natural time to do so as children are highlighted over the coming months.

Capricorn and Capricorn RisingHome, family, roots, foundation. Jupiter in Aries brings you back to your roots. It’s not only a new personal season, but a desire to bring change in your home, from growing your family to moving and settling down. There’s a sense of nostalgia and a reach for the past. Your emotional roots need tending to.

Aquarius and Aquarius RisingVoice, communication, learning, travel. Jupiter in Aries inspires you to use your voice, from sharing what you know and believe in to new writing projects and opportunities to speak. Education takes priority and you may find yourself taking new classes and workshops over the coming year or even teaching them. Jupiter also inspires short trips and travel.

Pisces and Pisces RisingMoney, income, material needs, material stability. Jupiter in Aries inspires you to grow your income. The coming months may bring opportunities to create more material stability as well as possibilities for financial support and windfall. Spending may increase, especially spending that brings investments in what you own or possess. There’s a renewed sense of value and worth in your life.

Read More:

Jupiter in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Jupiter in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Jupiter in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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