Welcome to the Libra Full Moon, the time in the zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on relationship and connection. Ruled by Venus, Libra invites us to find common ground, to smooth over rough edges, to reach out to others, and to value partnership. The full moon is exact on April 6, 2023 at 12:34 am ET, 16 degrees Libra-Aries. That’s 9:34 pm Los Angeles on April 5, 5:34 am London on April 6, 6:34 am Johannesburg, 2:34 pm Sydney, and 4:34 pm Auckland.

Full moons are decision points. They demand our attention. They put things in the spotlight. Life can get a little dramatic under their energies. Life can pivot as a result.

As the counter to Aries Season, Libra is the scales, the reminder that for all of Aries’s self motivation and individualization, we have to balance things out by learning to negotiate and compromise. It’s a basic template that we see in the duality between all the signs of the zodiac. In the case of Pisces-Virgo, for example, we can’t be so magical and esoteric (Pisces) that we lose connection with the practical (Virgo). And yet we can’t be so caught up in the real world (Virgo) that we lose the magic (Pisces). Everything has to be in balance.

Aries and Libra are going to be two signs that we’re going to be getting intimately familiar with in the coming months. That’s because the eclipses are starting to move from Taurus-Scorpio, where they’ve been since November 2021, to Aries-Libra, starting with an Aries New Moon solar eclipse on April 20.

While this full moon isn’t an eclipse, it reveals the material that we’re going to be diving into more deeply into the beginning of 2025. The North Node will be in Aries. We will have to work to assert ourselves more, to find our independence and individuality. On the other hand, the South Node will be in Libra. We’ll have to look at our karma around relationship and connection, the times when we overly deferred to others and lost ourselves or the sometimes complicated and messy relationship dynamics we still carry around … and find balance.

That said, this full moon invites us to prioritize relationship and connection, to build partnership, to not always go it alone.

With Venus, the ruler of the full moon, in Taurus, there are themes of value and worth to wade through. Is a relationship of value? Are we struggling with self worth in a way that inhibits our connections? Do we long for someone to help us create more stability and security in our lives?

It was only last week that Venus made a conjunction to Uranus in Taurus and while that aspect may be past, it echoes in our experiences with this full moon. As a result, we may see something unexpected. There may be a pivot or twist in a relationship. Uranus can breed breakthroughs, breakdowns, and reinventions.

Finally, Mars in Cancer is worth paying attention to. It pulls at a dynamic that’s present in the Aries New Moon solar eclipse in two weeks time, on April 20 — relationship and connection, but also emotional connection. Am I safe? Am I getting my needs met?

Nevertheless, we’re dealing with some of life’s most primal feelings and themes as we work to build more connection in the coming days and weeks.

Read More:

Chart of the Libra Full Moon, April 6, 2023

Webinar — Pluto in Aquarius: A New Era

Webinar — Saturn in Pisces: 2023-2026

Pluto in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of April 3-9, 2023

Video — The Astrology of April 3-9, 2023

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

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