Mars, the planet of drive and action, dives into Cancer, turning our focus towards home and family. Our living situation and household, past and memory demand our attention. We’re also leading with our sensitivity and empathy, fighting for those we love.
Although Mars isn’t traditionally at home in Cancer, it’s a sign where Mars has to work a little bit differently. It can no longer be self motivated. Instead, it has to navigate the emotional ebb and flow of life as well as the needs of others. That said, Mars ultimately motivates us to find connection and prioritize home and family.
What will Mars activate up for you from January 6 until April 18, 2025? Read for both your Sun and rising sign.
Aries or Aries Rising — Home, family, foundation, roots, living situation. Over the next eight weeks you’ll may spend time with loved ones, remodel your home, make change where you live, move, or nostalgically look back. This is a time to take a step away from the world, tend to your roots, or create a foundation for your life.
Taurus or Taurus Rising — Travel, education, communication. The next six weeks may be busy, filled with short trips back and forth, especially in the town or city you live in. There may be an onslaught of emails, texts, and phone calls as well. Connect with siblings if you have them or spend time chatting and exploring with a loved one.
Gemini or Gemini Rising — Income, money, your bank account, and the stuff you own and buy. This is a time to make purchases for the home, create more financial security, or increase your income. Mars is inspiring you to accumulate the things you need to create stability in your life. Or, take action and set up a budget for spending.
Cancer or Cancer Rising — The self, personality, vitality. With Mars in your sign, you’ll be ready to take action over the next eight weeks. Mars endows determination, will, and a fighting spirit. Good for going to the gym, creativity, romance, pushing your agenda and getting professionally recognized. Just try not to lose your temper.
Leo or Leo Rising — Rest, retreat, recuperation, letting go. The next eight weeks will be a time to take a step back. You may feel a need to look within or look to the beyond for answers to existential questions. You may feel low on energy, so don’t push too hard. Instead rest, meditate, and dream. Work through and release old family material.
Virgo or Virgo Rising — Friends, community, your hopes for the future. Time to make connections. The next eight weeks will highlight networking, groups, and social ties. Who are your people? What unifies you to something greater? Join a cause or make plans with your friends. You will be motivated to come up with a vision for your future.
Libra or Libra Rising — Career, status, ambitions, direction in life. If Mars is motivation, you’ll be motivated to take action in your career, be proactive about where you’re heading, and get recognized. Money, power, and success will also be highlighted as well as working with a partner in the public sphere.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising — Journeys, travel, philosophy, higher education, law. It’s all about exploration over the next eight weeks. Mars, your ruling planet, will have a strong case of wanderlust. Either you’ll be headed to distant shores or you’ll be pushing out into the cosmos through books, philosophy, and religion.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising — Finance, wealth, shared income, legacies, secrets, mysteries, family skeletons. What do you hide? What do you keep from even yourself? Mars will be digging through some of your deepest stuff over the next six weeks. This will be perfect for revealing therapy sessions or release work. Money, benefits, and inheritances will also be highlighted. It’s all about other people’s money right now and what you can draw upon to strengthen your own bank account.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising — Relationships, partnership, socialization. Who are you connected to? Who’s the person you can rely on to be there for you? You may be motivated over the coming six weeks to meet someone new or strengthen your relationships. You also may need to take action in a current relationships, especially if it’s time for you to let it go.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising — Health, nutrition, daily rituals and routines. Time to get motivated about your health. How can you make changes to your diet? How can you get your life organized? Mars is also your career planet, so the next eight weeks may be more work than play. Make a list, stick to a schedule.
Pisces or Pisces Rising — Self expression, creativity, romance, children, leisure. Kick back and enjoy the next eight weeks. It’s all about having fun, maybe having a romance or two and enjoying the physical pleasures of life. If you are an artist or a performer, this will be an especially strong time for you. Get creative!
Photo by Camila Cordeiro on Unsplash