Happy Virgo Full Moon! This is the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight shines on health, diet, fitness, and cleanliness. As an earth sign, Virgo not only helps us take care of our physical bodies, but helps us with the details of daily living. With that in mind, the full moon is exact on March 1, 2018 at 7:52 pm, 11 degrees Virgo/Pisces. That’s 4:52 pm Los Angeles, 12:52 am London on March 2, and 11:52 am in Sydney.

Time and again I will profess my love for Virgo. It’s an unsung sign, a sign that teaches us about the importance of having a plan, setting a schedule, and finding focus as well as discipline. Virgo in its positive expression helps us to appreciate the small things in life like craft, an attention to detail, form, and function. Virgo is also the sign of purity — the purity needed to live our lives happily and healthfully.

As we come up to the full moon, we’re in the midsts of a rather soggy line up of planets in Pisces, Virgo’s opposing sign. Pisces is the last water sign, a sign that is about feeling and intuition. It’s the subjectivity to Virgo’s critical eye. And seeing how there’s five planets in mystical, hazy Pisces, we could really use Virgo’s objectivity right now.

On a real world level, the full moon will help us to put into motion any visions and inspirations we’ve had during Pisces Season. Have a big dream? Okay, what’s your plan? How will you take concrete, practical steps to make it happen? Want to do something with more meaning and impact in the world? How will you take care of the details so you can support your desires? Want to be healthier on all levels? What needs to change about your environment and how you interface with your environment?

On a bigger level, this full moon is tugging at our earthly and spiritual lives. With Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, in Pisces, it can’t be all be logical and organized. Or, we have to take care of our spiritual bodies as well as our physical ones. Although Virgo and Pisces can seem quite opposite at times — one button up and the other free spirited — they both balance each other out and they both want to be of service to the world.

I think this is a full moon to find meaning, to help others, to clean and organize. But, more importantly, this is a full moon to remind us that we can’t be in charge of all the details. Sometimes we have to let go. Sometimes we have to reconnect to the divine plan instead of our narrow earthly plan. After all, the Sun’s conjunct Neptune. It’s not about what we want. It’s about something bigger.

There’s a lot of emotion in this full moon, so things may be stirring within you as a result. With Jupiter in Scorpio, it may be something quite deep, repressed, or even previously hidden. Use Virgo’s practical qualities to take care of yourself, to heal where you need to heal, and create empowered action where you need to.

Read More:

Chart of the Virgo Full Moon

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

On Neptune

Aquarius New Moon: Systems

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