Happy Libra New Moon! This is the time of the year when we turn our attention to relationships, fairness, balance, and socializing. Ruled by the planet Venus, Libra also speaks to beauty and design as well as appearances. With that in mind, the new moon is exact on October 8, 2018 at 11:47 pm EDT, 15 degrees Libra. That’s 8:47 pm Los Angeles, 4:47 am London on October 9, and 2:47 pm in Sydney.

New moons are new beginnings. They give us an energetic reset and and a whole new palette of energy to create from.  A new moon also starts a new lunar month, one that will be experienced through the lens of the sign that it falls in, one that will build a story that reaches its peak with the full moon.

When we have a Libra New Moon, it means that our experiences over the coming four weeks are through the lens of relationships as well as how we interact with each other. Libra is social. It’s a sign that instinctively wants to connect and partner up. It teaches us about the art of compromise and consensus so that everyone gets something. It teaches us to bring beauty and sweetness to everything.

We need Libra. In a world seemingly in conflict and division, it’s a time to reconnect and find understanding and harmony. It’s a reminder that we can’t go it alone. We need to rely on each other and find a way to make things work.

This new moon puts all of our relationships at the forefront of our focus over the coming weeks. What’s working? What’s not? If our relationships have been lacking, it’s a lunar month to reach out and make connection.

That said, this isn’t your normally affable, charming Libra New Moon. Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, is over in Scorpio. It’s retrograde, too. The new moon also forms a hard square to Pluto in Capricorn. Yes, this lunar month is about relationships, but it’s forcing us to look at the dark or hidden side of our relationships — power dynamics, intimacy, sexuality, vulnerability, secrets, taboo, shame. It’s the dance between the veneer of a relationship versus what happens behind closed doors.

Even if you’re single, surely relationships and partnerships are a facet of your life in some way, even if they are not intimate. And if you want more relationship in your life, how do you use this new moon to do the soul work, the transformation, the deep excavation to discover what is blocking or influencing the situation?

Because Pluto plays a prominent role in this lunar month, the coming weeks won’t be easy. Pluto demands transformation. In order to get to the harmony and balance of Libra, we have to put light on our shadows. It’s a hard look at ourselves, our souls. Something has to change. After all, Saturn in Capricorn has the final word on this new moon. The bar is set higher.

PS — I’m honored to be co-teaching again at the Collective Universal Reality Integrative Workshop here in Manhattan, October 26-28. You’ll be learning about your energy body — your chakras, your subtle bodies — and what it’s all connected to in this universe. Plus, you’ll learn how and how you can use your energy body to help humanity. If you’re in New York, check out the event link below.

Read More:

Chart of the Libra New Moon

On Pluto

Collective Universal Reality Integrative Workshop, October 26-28, Manhattan

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