Tag: Sun square Uranus

Photo by Adam Bixby on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: July 24, 2019

The Moon straddles Aries and Taurus today, a sign that wants to move fast and act impulsively versus a sign that wants to slow down and feel things out. So we may be running at two speeds today. Then again Mercury is retrograde. Get a second opinion.

Leo Full Moon: Breakout

Leo Full Moon: Breakout

Happy Leo Full Moon! Happy lunar eclipse! This is the time of the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on individuality, creativity, and celebrating the joy of life. Leo is a sign that teaches us to be ourselves and to share our talents and passion with the world.

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 18, 2019

Here we go, we’re rounding out eclipse season with a little bit of a bang. The Sun squares off with Uranus today, hinting that the next few days may help us step into a very new chapter in our lives or even make a break with the past. Be open to flashes of insight.

Photo by RD Gray on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 17, 2019

Today’s Gemini Moon is a reminder that Mercury is over in Capricorn making some intense aspects for the next few days. As it first meets up with Pluto, we’ve got some hard decisions to make. How did we create this situation? How do we create something new?

Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 16, 2019

The Capricorn Sun passes along the South Node of the Moon. Our experiences today may have deep subtext as well as roots in the past. Be open to sudden insights, especially as the Sun squares with Uranus, a planet that likes to shake up the status quo.

Photo by Anna Sullivan on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: January 15, 2019

The Moon is in Taurus today, pointing us towards the sensuality of life, from the taste of food to the pleasure and comfort that comes from earthly living. With Venus in Sagittarius, though, it’s important to explore, try new things, and not get stuck in a rut.

Photo by Phil Desforges on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: July 25, 2018

The Capricorn Moon puts us to work today. With Saturn also in the mix, it’s a day for a reality check. Are we honoring our commitments, our responsibilities? Are we honoring our word? Saturn wants us to push harder to reach higher.

Photo by Daan Huttinga on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: July 24, 2018

Venus in Virgo faces off with Neptune. Is it real or a beautiful illusion? Neptune can enchant us and Venus is certainly alluring, but we’re feeling a pull between what needs to get done versus a dream or a vision. Or, alternatively, we’re feeling a higher calling.

Photo by Marko Blažević on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: July 23, 2018

Welcome to Leo Season! Leo is the sign of the Sun and when the Sun is in Leo, the Sun has returned home. Leo teaches us about the courage and heart to be ourselves. To shine our talents, to share our creativity as well as our passion.

Capricorn New Moon: Manifest

Capricorn New Moon: Manifest

Happy Capricorn New Moon! This is the time in the lunar calendar when we turn to achievement, responsibility, and planning for the future. Now that Saturn has come home to Capricorn, this new moon will bring this planetary shift into focus.

New Moon in Leo: Ignite

New Moon in Leo: Ignite

Happy Leo New Moon! This is the time in the zodiac calendar when we connect with the energy of joy, passion, creation, and the pleasure of being ourselves. It’s all about how we express our individuality and allow ourselves to radiate.