Tag: Pisces New Moon

Pisces New Moon: The Multiplicity of Life

Pisces New Moon: The Multiplicity of Life

Welcome to the Pisces New Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when we come to the end of the zodiac. Pisces is finality, the liminality between one life and the next, one breath and the next. It governs over our dreams and illusions as well as our search for meaning.

Pisces New Moon: Preparation

Pisces New Moon: Preparation

Welcome to the Pisces New Moon, a moon that brings us to the end of the zodiac. Over the next four weeks, we navigate a sign designed to get us to reflect, go inward, and leave behind the earthly plane. It’s a spiritual sign in search of meaning and substance.

Astro Daily: March 8, 2024

Astro Daily: March 8, 2024

We’re in the dark of the moon, the time just before the new moon. The veil is thin. Our intuition is heightened. With Mercury conjunct Neptune, we naturally connect to the world beyond this world. Listen for messages. Look for signs. Pay attention to your dreams.

Photo by Max Lissenden on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 21, 2023

We’re fresh off a Pisces New Moon and we may be feeling an existential and emotional pull, a call to make sense of things and focus on what really matters. Pisces reminds us that, even though we live in a modern world, to not neglect the needs of the soul.

Pisces New Moon: Setting the Stage

Pisces New Moon: Setting the Stage

Welcome to the Pisces New Moon. We’ve come to the end of the zodiac. It’s a lunar month to wrap things up, get quiet, lead with our intuition, and open our hearts. Pisces is a sign that’s searching for answers. They just may come from our dreams and beyond.

Pisces New Moon: Letting Go

Pisces New Moon: Letting Go

Welcome to the Pisces New Moon. We’ve reached the end of the zodiac as well as the last lunar month of the astrological year. To that point, Pisces is the sign of endings. It brings us to the edge of one life and prepares us for the next.