Tag: Eclipse Season

May 2021 Horoscopes

May 2021 Horoscopes

Welcome to May 2021! It’s Taurus Season, the time in the zodiac when life is in full bloom. We’re focusing on our material lives, creating more comfort and stability, and getting back in touch with the earth beneath our feet.

Photo by BRDNK Vision on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 15, 2020

Coming off of yesterday’s solar eclipse, our world is still in flux, as if we just passed through a portal. People, situations, and events are still coming in and out of our life. It’s a time of new beginnings and the end of old stories.

Photo by Ben on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 11, 2020

We go into the weekend with a dynamic Scorpio Moon, one that not only prepares us for the upcoming solar eclipse, but closes out a lunar month that began with a Scorpio New Moon on November 15, a lunar month for us to “die” in order to be reborn.

Photo by Aurélien Lemasson-Théobald on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 10, 2020

The Sagittarius Sun makes its annual conjunction to the South Node, a reminder that not only are we in eclipse season, but we’re four days away from a solar eclipse. Life may feel intense at the moment as we anticipate the next big chapter.

Gemini Full Moon: Hidden Information

Gemini Full Moon: Hidden Information

Welcome to the Gemini Full Moon. It’s not only a kick off for eclipse season, but it’s the time in the zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on how we speak and listen, the ideas we have and the choices we make. It’s on travel and education, too.

Photo by Héctor J. Rivas on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 23, 2020

We start the week with a Pisces Moon, one that needs to dream and intuit. As the last zodiac sign, Pisces forms a bridge between this world and the next, this life and another. Use the day to rest and prepare for a week that will be bookended by an eclipse.

Photo by Abed Ismail on Unsplash

Astro Daily: July 6, 2020

And just like that we conclude eclipse season, a season that has a tendency to turbulently and swiftly move us into a new time, one that will unfold over the next six months. Although the July 5 eclipse was the last in the series, we will feel its effects all month long.

Photo by Gabriel Barletta on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 22, 2020

Coming off of Sunday’s powerful solar eclipse, we start the week off in a new time, one that not only stretches to the end of the year, but also puts us on a very different path. Things may be shaking a rearranging as a result. After all, that’s what eclipses do.