It’s a first quarter moon, one that brings to a head something that began with the solar eclipse a week ago. We’re at a turning point. In order to move forward, sometimes we have to let go.

It’s also a moon to prioritize what we feel versus what we objectively know. Home and family may be themes as we go into the weekend. There may be a sense that a door is opening while another closes. (To get a deeper understanding of how recent eclipse energies may manifest thematically, go to Sagittarius New Moon: Universal Thread.)

Further, the Sun squares Neptune this weekend, a hazy influence that blurs the boundaries between this world and the next. It’s important to keep our feet on solid ground, to not get caught in illusions. But to seek out new inspiration as well as deeper faith and mysticism.

That said, it’s important to note that Mars is at the end of Scorpio. What have we learned over the last five weeks? Come December 13, when Mars enters Sagittarius, we’re going to feel things very differently as Mars takes center stage with recent Sagittarius solar eclipse.

Read More:

Sagittarius New Moon: Universal Thread

Mars in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

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