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Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

March 2021 Virgo Horoscope Transcript

This is a transcription of the following video for Virgo March 2021. Virgo August 23–September 22 Hey, Virgo, this is your look at the astrology of March 2021, my name is Katie Sweetman and I’m with Empowering Astrology. So, let’s take a look at it. So, this month, you’re coming […]

Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

March 2021 Leo Horoscope Transcript

This is a transcription of the following video for Leo March 2021. Leo July 23–August 22 Hey, Leo, this is Katie Sweetman with the Empowering Astrology, and this is your look at the astrology of March 2021. So, let’s get to it. So, as you go into March — now, […]

Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

March 2021 Cancer Horoscope Transcript

This is a transcription of the following video for Cancer March 2021. Cancer June 21–July 22 Hey, Cancer, this is your look at the astrology of March 2021. My name is Katie Sweetman. Let’s get to it. So, this month it’s Pisces season, so for the most part, you won’t […]

Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

March 2021 Gemini Transcript

This is a transcription of the following video for Gemini March 2021. Gemini May 21–June 20 Hey, Gemini, this is Katie Sweetman with Empowering Astrology, and this is your look at the astrology of March 2021. Let’s get to it. So, big news this month. You have Mars going into […]

Photo by Trent Haaland on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 25, 2021

Venus arrives in Pisces, the sign of its exaltation. Here, the planet of love finds commonality with the planet of spirituality, compassion, and redemption. In its highest expression, Venus in Pisces is unconditional love.

Photo by Penguinuhh on Unsplash.

Astro Daily: February 24, 2021

Mars in Taurus picks up on a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. We have power, drive, and stamina, but it needs an outlet. Channel this into physical activities as well as anything that builds stability and material success.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 22, 2021

We start the week off with a Cancer Moon. Paired with a Pisces Sun, we’re feeling sensitive, reflective, and maybe a little more intuitive than usual. It’s a day to play and create as well as to let go and forgive the past.