Leaving behind the depths of Scorpio, the Moon arrives in Sagittarius and brings us back into the fire of Aries Season. Between Jupiter and Mars in airy Aquarius and Gemini, we’re on a roll. Life starts to pick up steam as we search, explore, and travel.

Sagittarius is a sign that needs to make meaning. It looks outward to the world in order to find this meaning, whether through philosophy and religion or first hand experience through education and travel. As a result, after the heaviness of the past couple of days, we’re navigating themes of faith and truth.

The Sagittarius Moon is also a reminder of a couple of things. One, we’re starting to creep up on eclipse season, a time when life turns us in a new direction, often rapidly so. With the South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius, the past year has been well steeped in themes around faith, truth, convictions, and justice, something that we will continue to explore into early 2022.

Second is that while Jupiter is in Aquarius right now, it will dip into Pisces on May 13. For Jupiter, it’s a homecoming. For us, it’s a sign that the story is about to change. (Right in time for the first eclipse, a lunar in eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26.)

Jupiter gives us the drive as well as the inspiration to leave the four walls of our homes, towns, and all that is comfortable. It brings us out into the world. It teaches us about things and helps us to cultivate knowledge and wisdom. But in Pisces, it’s about inner wisdom and knowledge. It’s also the discovery of the quiet world that lives within us through meditation and prayer.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for April 2.

Read More:

Jupiter in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Video — The Astrology of March 29-April 4, 2021

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