Welcome to the Libra Full Moon, the time of the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on relationship and cooperation, beauty and harmony. As the compliment to initiative and self direction of Aries Season, Libra reminds us that we can’t do things alone. The Libra Full Moon is exact on March 28, 2021 at 2:48 pm EDT, 8 degrees Libra/Aries. That’s 11:48 am Los Angeles, that 7:48 pm London, 8:48 pm Johannesburg, 5:48 am Sydney on March 29, 7:48 am Auckland.

Full moons are dynamic. They challenge, they illuminate, they spur us to take action. It’s a time when something is in full view. And with the full moon in Libra, it’s time for us to take a wider view of our relationships. Libra isn’t just romantic relationships; it’s a sign that teaches about all relationships. Libra is socialization, connection, partnership, and the consensus needed in order to build alliances.

Without Libra — and it’s ruling planet of Venus — we wouldn’t have that all important mirror that we get from others, reflecting back the things we can’t see. We also wouldn’t have the understanding that cooperation is essential to the flow and harmony of life.

What is the role of relationship in your life? Is it hard to connect? Do you over accommodate others? While the spotlight is on Libra, Venus is over in Aries. True, we have to compromise and find partnership, but we also need to make sure we’re standing up for ourselves.

Venus is in a Mars ruled sign and Mars is over in Gemini. It’s possible that this full moon is bringing to light how we communicate with others and use our voice. It’s also highlighting the choices we make in relationships and the type of people we attract into our lives. Mercury, the ruler over Gemini, points us over to Pisces and Neptune. How do we see the truth? How do we forgive and let go? How do we find compassion and healing?

Speaking of which, Venus is conjunct Chiron, a planet that can speak to an old pain or something that makes us suffer. Perhaps this full moon is pressing on a tender spot. Perhaps we’re even feeling something come up about a past relationship, especially one that didn’t end well and needs healing.

That’s the thing about Chiron. It can show us what’s holding us back like a bottleneck of emotions and energies from the past. It’s a full moon to clear, release, and forgive anything that’s holding us back from healthy connection and partnership.

Let’s not forget that Saturn in Aquarius is in support of the energies of the full moon, a reminder that, like Libra, life needs equity, partnership, and balance in order to flow. Saturn always sets a high bar. Then again, it’s a planet that has our best intentions in mind.

So, while we’re navigating some old pain points around relationships, we have the courage and bravery to make the right decisions to move forward. And with Saturn’s help, we can set higher standards for our current as well as future relationships.

Read More:

Chart of the Libra Full Moon, March 28, 2021

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

Webinar Clip — Chiron: Healing the Soul

Video — The Astrology of March 22-28, 2021

Video — March 2021 Horoscopes

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