The Sun meets up with Chiron in Aries, touching on an old pain point or story of suffering that we keep returning to. If yesterday’s full moon put the spotlight on partnership and connection, then how will we have the bravery to stand up for ourselves, move forward?

We all have something that makes us suffer. It could be a lack of self worth or a difficulty in being heard. Maybe it feels like its shapes and defines us even though it’s not who we really are. Chiron represents our personal traumas, the experiences and emotions that leave a mark and wrap tightly around us like scar tissue.

Although Chiron is often referred to as a wound — especially a wound that doesn’t heal, something I disagree with — it’s more like a knot that we have to lovingly and diligently unwind so that we can free ourselves. This can only happen when we realize that our sufferings are traumas are a shared collective experience. It’s not our pain or our lack of self worth, but something that all of humanity feels. When we heal ourselves, we heal the collective.

So, today we’re feeling our knots, our wounds, our emotional pain points. But it’s not ours alone; it’s the suffering of humanity that has to be healed. And since the Sun and Chiron are conjunct in Aries, we have the bravery and courage to take action, to set a new course. Mars is in Gemini on the Nodes; we’re at a crossroads with our healing.

Chiron also talks about healing at the level of the soul, something that I talked about in my webinar, Chiron: Healing the Soul. You can watch a clip of the introduction here.

Mercury also joins up with Neptune in Pisces, an aspect that can make us feel more intuitive, psychic, mystical, and spiritual. It’s a day to find compassion in addition to our Chiron work.

I’ll be talking more about Chiron as well as yesterday’s Libra Full Moon in my weekly live look at the astrology on Facebook. You can watch the replay on YouTube, IGTV, or listen on Spotify.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for March 30.

Read More:

Libra Full Moon: Scar Tissue

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

Webinar Clip — Chiron: Healing the Soul

Newsletter — The Astrology of March 29-April 4, 2021

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Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash