Happy Taurus Full Moon! This is the time of the year when we shine a light on all things earthy and sensual as well as themes of fertility, pleasure, the body, food, resources, real estate, income, stability, security, loyalty. Taurus is the safety of solid ground to Scorpio’s leap into the dark unknown. This is also the time of year to remember the sweetness of life in a season psychically attuned to death and rebirth. The full moon will be exact November 6, 2014 at 5:23 pm EST, 14 degrees Taurus/Scorpio.
As a New Yorker, I think I’ll always associate the Taurus Full Moon with Hurricane Sandy. It’s a bit of a stark connection, but the hurricane struck the beaches of New Jersey and New York right on the Taurus Full Moon of 2012. Saturn had just arrived in Scorpio for a two year residency and we saw the Taurus/Scorpio dynamic play out in real time, horrifyingly so.
I mention this not to suggest that this full moon will in any way repeat the destruction of two years ago, but to remind us of where we’ve been and the physical and metaphoric space that Saturn has cleared since 2012. We’re coming to the home stretch of Saturn in Scorpio and the Sun’s transit of Scorpio has illuminated the path we’ve dug into over the last couple of years. When the Sun and Saturn join up on November 18, it will be their last conjunction in Scorpio for 28 years.
In my Facebook status update featuring my off-the-cuff remarks about the full moon, I casually used the word “forever.” It struck a nerve. Yes, forever is a big word, my darlings. But what I was trying to impart was this sense that a Saturn transit, especially in Scorpio, creates a clear divide between one world and another, one chapter of your life and the next. Saturn reminds us of the continual march of time despite our protestations.
But what of Taurus? This is a Taurus Full Moon after all. If the past couple of years have been more dark than light, the full moon will be a reminder to seek out the safety and security of Taurus, to take in the pleasure of the physical world after hard lessons in loss, and to enjoy the bounty of the fertile earth. I’ll see a similar theme in the natal chart of clients from time to time. Someone will have a heavy dose of Scorpio or 8th House with a lone North Node in Taurus or 2nd like a line tracing out of the chaos. We must balance out Scorpio with Taurus otherwise we can get lost in its depths.

When I think of Taurus I always envision the Empress card in the tarot. She wears a crown of stars, her belly is pregnant, and she is surrounded by the world in bloom. In the Rider-Waite deck she is flanked by a heart shaped shield with the symbol of Venus upon it, the ruling planet of Taurus.
14 Taurus, the degree of the full moon, is almost the midpoint of the sign, harkening back to Beltane and the May Queen. Don’t forget to surround yourself with symbols of beauty as well as earthly vitality in the days after the full moon. Seek out life. Put your hands into the earth. Smell the roses. Take pleasure in the simple things. Savor the taste.
However, Venus is the ruler of the full moon and she’s in Scorpio. I think the taste of Taurus’s fruit will be bittersweet. There may be a sense that new life has come at the expense of loss. And since full moons are decision points, this one will bring us back to Saturn in Scorpio — one story will end and another will begin, especially around November 12 when Venus and Saturn will make a conjunction in Scorpio.
Take action with this full moon; it’s occurring in advance of major astrological conjunctions — Mars to Pluto, Venus and the Sun to Saturn. The last couple of years have carved out space in your life. What will you build in its place?
Enjoyed this post? I also do private, one-on-one consultations via Skype and phone, which allow us to delve into your chart and reveal where this full moon will manifest. Go to my consultations page to book your session. Check out my testimonials and FAQ to learn more about what I do.
Oh, how I love the end of era with Scorpio-Taurus hardships. All my natal planets and angles are situated in Scorpio, Taurus, Aries, and Libra, so the recent years have been really tough on me. Everything’s gone. Marriage, job, money, home, many friends, even my health has suffered several serious hits. There is a lot of space now. I hope that Saturn in Sagittarius will bring the energy and hope needed to start building something new.
Sinai: You aren’t alone; your post very similar to my experience.