Happy Full Moon in Scorpio! This one arrives on May 14, 2014 at 3:16 pm EDT and 23 degrees Scorpio/Taurus. And if we’re being completely honest, “happy” and “Scorpio” are two words not normally paired together, but I’m here to give you the straight dope on Scorpio, a much maligned and often misunderstood sign. Using the light of the full moon, we’re going to peer into the deepest, darkest recesses of our soul to get to the heart of makes us who we are. We may not like what we see, but there is medicine in our discomfort. The full moon will bring about themes of death, rebirth, transformation, sexuality, possession, alchemy, legacies, debt, finance, and power. It will also be a decision point and we may find ourselves connecting the dots and coming to a conclusion over the coming week.

There’s a lot of stuff going on in this full moon chart. First, the main event — Sun in Taurus opposite Moon and Saturn in Scorpio. The full moon isn’t messing around. If Scorpio cuts through life’s BS and illusions, Saturn injects it with cold, hard reality. There’s structure and discipline in this full moon — something nebulous or even hidden crystallizes under Saturn’s influence. Now that we have clarity, we must make a commitment or move on.

The other main focus on the full moon is Mars in Libra. It’s rather interesting that retrograde Mars is stationing at 9 degrees, right on the Uranus/Pluto square. In fact, Mars opposes Venus and Uranus and squares Pluto. So this full moon directly plugs into a deep evolutionary process that has been ongoing since 2012, if not earlier. If April’s cardinal grand cross was massive energetic shift, the full moon is another wave of transformation. In astrology, Mars catalyzes. It makes things move. However Mars is retrograde and so we’re like runners at the gate, waiting for the starting pistol. There may be a delayed reaction with this full moon as Mars will not turn direct till May 19. (More on Scorpio and the astrology of May in my latest podcast.)

But before we can have movement, we must first dive into the shadows. That’s what Scorpio does — it makes us look into the dark, confront our fears, our vulnerability, and our discomfort. It’s through this process that we find the greatest growth. I often say that you cannot have the wisdom of Sagittarius without going through the hell of Scorpio. That may be a bleak statement, but anyone who has gone through hell knows that some lessons can only be learned in the dark. How else would we know what we are made of?

We also can’t forget that Venus in Aries is making an exact square to Pluto in Capricorn. As Scorpio loves to get to the raw truth, this full moon will help us to examine imbalanced power structures in our relationships, abuse, and obsession — the dark side of love. We’ll also dig into issues of self worth and skewed values.

If we’re cutting to the heart of things with this full moon and getting brutally honest, it’s worth noting that there’s a grand water trine of Jupiter in Cancer, Moon/Saturn in Scorpio, and Chiron in Pisces tucked inside the chart. As with most things right now, there is so much potential for growth and healing. If you’re willing to take the hand of Scorpio and descend into the depths of your psyche to confront the things you’d rather keep hidden, there’s a gift waiting for you in the dark. It’s the gift of wholeness, clarity, and emotional integration.

Happy Scorpio Full Moon indeed!

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