Happy Capricorn Full Moon! This is the time of the year when the spotlight shines on achievement, ambition, status, and success. Capricorn is the sign of the world, government, authority, and rank that comes from professional status. The full moon will be exact on July 19, 2016 at 6:56 pm EDT, 27 degrees Capricorn/Cancer. That’s 3:56 pm Los Angeles, 11:56 pm London, and 8:56 am Sydney on July 20. (Click here for the full moon chart.)

If you want to understand time and how events unfold both personally and collectively, look no further than the lunar cycle. The new moon sets in motion a story that stretches over the course of the lunar month. The full moon, coming at the middle of the lunar month, is the apex, the resolution to the new moon’s conflict. Full moons demand a choice as well as for us to see things as they really are.

The new moon on July 4, 2016 opened a difficult lunar month that forced us to look at dark and painful themes. Falling opposite Pluto, the story that commenced was told through the language of shadow, memories, life and death, and non-negotiable transformation. I titled my new moon report The Root. Perhaps The Rot would have been more appropriate.

Here we are, two weeks later, at the full moon. The story has taken us to a major decision about the direction we want to take in our lives. Capricorn, and its ruling planet Saturn, speaks to a long process of maturity. Whatever decision we make around this full moon is part of a long narrative arc that spans our lives. What do we want to be when we grow up? How do we want to define ourselves professionally? What role do we want to play? What are we building? What are we climbing steady and tenaciously toward? And, if the new moon forced us to look at difficult truths at the core of our soul and psyche, then what action do we take?

The full moon is also tightly square Uranus, a planet that has been known for its breaks — breakdowns, breakthroughs, breaks from the past, breaks from convention. It’s also a planet that can be both the spark of insight and consciousness as well as unpredictable chaos and shock of separation.

When we tie the full moon to the narrative of the new moon, something got pulled out of us over the course of two weeks — something both emotionally painful and revelatory. Uranus says, something is ending with this full moon. Allow the spark of consciousness to show you something better. Saturn trine Mercury and Venus will give us the clarity and maturity to discern our next steps.

Lastly, be conscientious about the type of break you want with this full moon.

Enjoyed this post? I also do private, one-on-one consultations via Skype and phone, which allow us to delve into your chart and reveal where this full moon will manifest. Go to my consultations page to book your session. Check out my testimonials and FAQ to learn more about what I do.

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