Happy Cancer New Moon! It’s a start of a new lunar month, one focused not only on our experiences with the home and family, but on our emotional connection. Cancer helps us find our place to plant roots. It nourishes us and helps us feel the archetypical energies of the Mother. And seeing how this new moon is also a solar eclipse, we’re opening up to a six month period where all these themes will be quite present. That said, the new moon is exact on July 12, 2018 at 10:48 pm EDT. That’s 7:48 pm Los Angeles, 3:48 am London on July 13 and 12:48 pm in Sydney.

New moons are new beginnings and every month we get a chance to start a new chapter. Seeing how each sign has something to teach us, this new chapter will center on Cancer, the sign that helps us to learn about some of the most fundamental experiences of life — having a place to live and to gather the people around us who make us feel like we belong to a family.

Cancer is both the container and what fills the container. We need emotional connection. We’re human beings. Our homes need life. Our kitchens need food. Our lives need happy memories. This new moon is a call to examine these fundamentals and take action towards creating connection as well as tending to our roots. Make your home feel more like a home. Choose to plant yourself somewhere. Connect with loved ones. Invite people over for a home cooked meal.

As I mentioned earlier, this new moon is also a solar eclipse and it’s actually the first in a series of Cancer eclipses that we will experience over the next couple of years. (If you are a Cancer, you may be feeling this shift more.) So we’re shifting into a time where these Cancer themes will be increasingly present in our lives, from what we experience to the choices we have to make concerning them.

Solar eclipses are not unlike a door closing and another opening. They signal that it’s time to go in a new direction and sometimes that new direction can be quite different. Maybe we’re thinking about making a big move. Maybe we’re opening up to this idea of family in a different way. Maybe we’re growing our family. Maybe we’re taking serious steps to change how we care, nurture, and feed ourselves.

It’s important to note that this eclipse exactly opposes Pluto in the sky and it’s important to know that Pluto doesn’t make for easy energies. Over the coming months — and especially in the days around the eclipse — we’re holding a mirror to ourselves. Do we like what we see? Pluto helps to reveal what we need to work on because it’s otherwise invisible. Pluto shows us our unconscious, our shadow, our soul, our past lives. It can even show us painful truths as well.

Pluto energy has a particular narrative. It takes us into an experience, like descending into a dark space in order to come up into the light. It is through this process that Pluto helps us to do our transformation work, which is to say turn a painful emotion into a positive emotion, to confront the deepest parts of ourselves and to put them into the light. To put something into the light is to liberate it. To put ourselves into the light is to free ourselves from our shadow. This is our soul work over the coming months. To descend and to come back up forever transformed.

Pluto energy isn’t easy energy, but we have support in the form of trines from Jupiter and Neptune. This says that even as we descend within ourselves, we have divine help. There are opportunities for miracles and emotional openings this month and in the coming months.

That said, it’s eclipse season. The great wheel of life is turning. A door is closing and another is opening. It’s time to create a new home.

Read More:

Chart of the Cancer New Moon

On Pluto

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