Author: Katie Sweetman

Photo by Daoud Abismail on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 11, 2020

The Virgo Sun opposes Neptune in Pisces and we’re feeling the pull between our earthly and spiritual lives. How do we find the balance? We may also be feeling ungrounded or sensitive, searching within for meaning. Do we know what’s real or an illusion?

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 10, 2020

With Mars now retrograde, we need to slow down. Our actions need to be deliberate. We have to examine our instincts, our impulses, and our power. Mercury opposes Chiron today, too, and we also need to understand how our choices impact others.

Photo by Pauline Loroy on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 9, 2020

Mars turns retrograde in Aries, a sign that it will wind its way back through until November 13. During this two month period, we’re taking a second look at how we take action, use our power, and exercise courage. Something will need to be reworked.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 8, 2020

The Moon trades Taurus for Gemini, the earth for the air. Things may be a little slow to start for most of the day, picking up later as the Moon finally crosses into Gemini. Then, we’re feeling more social, more focused on our goals and aims into tomorrow.

Photo by Andrea G on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 7, 2020

We start the week off with a Taurus Moon, one that may make a slow start of things. We want to savor and enjoy life in Taurus, a sign that speaks to food, comfort, and our material lives. With Venus in Leo, we’re bringing in a dash of creativity and fun, too.

Photo by Eduardo Gorghetto on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 4, 2020

Aries Moon takes us into the weekend. We want to rush forward, take action, get things done. Between the recent full moon and the Aries Moon picking up on some tense astrology, we may be feeling strong emotions into Saturday. Gives this a positive outlet.

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 3, 2020

Coming off the Pisces Full Moon, emotions may still be running high. We were asked to find empathy and understanding, to feel ourselves in the experiences of others. Whatever suffering we’ve been holding onto can be let go, healed, and redeemed.

Pisces Full Moon: Practical Magic

Pisces Full Moon: Practical Magic

Welcome to the Pisces Full Moon. This is the time in the zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on matters of faith and conviction, forgiveness and compassion. It’s when we’re asked to surrender, releasing and healing anything that’s weighing us down.

September 2020 Horoscopes

September 2020 Horoscopes

Welcome to Virgo Season, a season where we have to get back to basics after the fun and play of Leo Season. As we open a new month on an unusual year, it’s time to reassess, get organized, and get focused with a plan.

Photo by Philipp Deus on Unsplash

Astro Daily: September 1, 2020

The Moon slips into Pisces and brings us closer to tomorrow’s full moon. We’re navigating the divide between heaven and earth, what we can feel concretely and what needs to be sensed or intuited. It’s watery, hazy, spiritual day that invites us to let go.