Aquarius Moon day, one that points us towards our community, friendships, and social networks. But with the Moon meeting up with Mars and the South Node, activating a difficult square to Uranus, we may be at odds today with the group our a friend.

The Moon and Mars together can be provocative and emotional. Pair them up in the sign of Aquarius? We may feel passionate about a cause or our point of view. Uranus in Taurus? We’re stubbornly stuck between the old way and the new, uncomfortably so. The South Node is in the mix, too, which means that whatever story that is coming up right now has deep roots. It’s not the first time you’ve experienced it. And it may stretch back to other lifetimes.

Keep in mind that this four month long square off between Mars and Uranus has been pushing us to evolve our relationship with our community and our friends. Can we see eye-to-eye? What old stories do we need to let go of? Old viewpoints or ways of thinking?

Ultimately the story boils down to this. We have to make a change. It’s inevitable. It’s necessary. The upside of the Moon and Mars in Aquarius is that we can look towards the horizon and see things from a greater perspective, as if looking from above. With that new vision, we have the courage to leave behind the familiar, the stable, the secure. Uranus in Taurus means that we can’t stay stuck on the ground forever. We need to fly.

Read More:

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Mars in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

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