The Moon trades Cancer for Leo, feeling and emotional intensity for creativity and play. With the Sun in Libra, we’ll want to get out and socialize over the next couple days, connecting with friends and lovers alike. But our interactions may be emotionally pointed.

As I mentioned yesterday, we’re coming off a Pluto station, so there’s a lot of subtext and meaning to what you’re experiencing or feeling right now. Because Pluto is the mirror, before you push something onto someone else, take a moment to reflect and see the experience from a different angle. And don’t forget, Venus is turning retrograde on October 5. It’s all about relationships right now, especially intimacy, vulnerability, and sexuality.

PS — Your October horoscopes are live. Thanks for being patient!

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October 2018 Horoscopes

On Pluto

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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