Another Cancer Moon day, one that speaks to emotional fundamentals — care, nurture, gentleness, connection. But our emotions may feel raw on top of Pluto’s recent direct station. Events may also feel charged. We’re examining our shadow, our hidden self.

Is there a drama happening around you? Or are you at the center of the drama? When Pluto turned direct after a five months retrograde, it dug up something deep. It could have been emotions or a conflict. These experiences aren’t random. They are, in fact, part of a larger story that your soul is working to grow from. When we’re dealing with Pluto, we’re dealing with the soul — the souls journey and the soul’s intention to learn and evolve in this lifetime.

If something is happening, take a moment to reflect and look at it as if looking from above. Can you see new perspectives? Can you recognize some about yourself in all of this? I only mention this because things are super charged right now and Pluto gets right to the heart of things, even if it’s unpleasant.

This is shadow work. It’s when we look at the hidden parts of ourselves, our unconscious, and we see how it’s projecting onto others. In shadow work we bring light to darkness. We reconnect fragments into the larger whole.

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On Pluto

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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