As the Moon moves through Virgo today, we’re beginning to wrap up the lunar month. And Virgo is the perfect sign to help us analyze all the work we did on our relationships over the past four weeks. Did we receive any powerful insights? Write them down.

The Libra lunar month really put us through our paces and was a reminder that life doesn’t exist in a vacuum. We have friends, lovers, colleagues, and acquaintances. We’re constantly interacting and negotiating. And we needed to work on these were relationships. Libra Season said, if we did our work, there was a potential for powerful growth and transformation. 

But now we’re in Scorpio Season and on the cusp of a Scorpio New Moon. Where do we go from here? Scorpio reminds us that real relationship happens when we open and allow ourselves to be vulnerable, revealing our true selves.

I’m always trying to reframe the astrology. How do we take its intensity and put it in action for its highest potential? We live in intense times. We don’t need the astrology to tell us that. But if we bring consciousness and awareness to the energies, we can put it to work for us.

When we arrive in Scorpio Season, we arrive in a sign that’s meant to force us to change. Nothing can stay in one state forever. There are natural cycles of life. But we can work with Scorpio’s energies of change. We can follow them down into the depths of ourselves so we can reveal the things that need to be released. And when we arrive in Sagittarius, we gain the wisdom of ourselves and the world that Sagittarius is so famous for.

So, I know that things are intense right now. We’re both individually and collectively doing our soul work. Make sure you’re taking time each day to tend to yourself. If you know what sign your Moon was in when you were born, it helps to show you what you need to feed yourself with archetypically. Always make sure you’re feeding yourself. It’s the fuel as well as the support to move through all these intense energies.

If you’re wondering what to expect for November’s astrology, I’m doing a webinar on Monday, October 28 called, Your November 2019 Astrology Planner, an overview as well as a sign-by-sign look at next month. Details and registration here.

Read More:

Webinar — Your November 2019 Astrology Planner

Webinar — Chiron: Healing the Soul

Mars in Libra: Sign by Sign

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