If Mars is action and motivation, then its journey through Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, encourages us to connect, relate, and cooperate. We’re feeling a drive to partner up and to find common ground. That said, classically speaking, Mars isn’t exactly at home in Libra, a sign that takes warrior Mars and puts it in the sign of diplomacy. Will we be able to compromise?

Mars will be in Libra from August 27-October 12, 2023.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

Aries or Aries Rising — Relationships, one-on-one connections. It’s time to reach towards partnership. Although you may be used to going first, you’re learning about the needs and desires of other people. How do you negotiate and compromise so that everyone is happy? Relationships may also be an area where a lot of action and movement is happening. You may even enter a new relationship or make big changes to an existing one.

Taurus or Taurus Rising— Health, wellness, day-to-day life. Mars motivates you to get in shape, eat right, and get your life in order. So, start making a list. What needs to get done? What needs straightening up? Are you eating your vegetables? Also, Mars can get a bit overworked in this part of your chart. Make sure you take care of your day-to-day needs and finding balance.

Gemini or Gemini Rising — Self expression, creativity, children, leisure. With Mars stirring things up, it’s all about expressing yourself, Gemini. This could be your talents and creativity or the simple yet satisfying act of strutting your stuff. Have fun and make sure you’re prioritizing your passions and the things you enjoy. This may also be a time when you’re more inclined to take a risk or gamble, too.

Cancer or Cancer Rising — Home, family, foundation, emotional connections. Home is where the heart is, Cancer. So what happens when your living space is turned upside down? Mars in this area of your chart may coincide with a move or change in the home, leaving you a little unsettled. Additionally, you may even feel an impulse to redecorate.

Leo or Leo Rising — Travel, movement, communication, learning. Mars in this part of your chart will be BUSY. You may be running back and forth between appointments or bouncing between cars, trains, and text messages. You also may have something to say, channeling this impulse through writing and speaking. Classes may feature at this time as well.

Virgo or Virgo Rising — Income, stability, material life. Mars wants security and solid ground. How will you make that happen? What do you need to buy or gather to create a sense of material stability? You may also feel an impulse to make more money or find things to spend it on. Credit and finance is a feature as well.

Libra or Libra Rising — The self, personality, vitality, new beginnings. Time to take action, Libra. After working behind the scenes, you’re feeling a sense of renewal and vitality. Sine you’re so used to being the diplomat, Mars may inspire you to stop playing nice and go after what you want. Ready to take charge? If you’re in a relationship that is not working, you may feel an impulse to leave.

Scorpio or Scorpio Rising — Retreat, rest, recuperation, surrender, endings. Since Mars is your ruling planet, its dip into Libra pulls you back from the world. You may feel a little tired or mellow over the coming weeks. This will be a natural time to meditate, dream, and connect with the hidden, from spirituality to the deep internal recesses of your soul. Don’t push too hard, Scorpio. Learn to release and surrender.

Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising — Friends, groups, community, society, the future. Mars pushes you to think big. This will be a time to look to the future and craft a vision for the road ahead. You just stepped out of a two year peak. So, what’s next? Additionally, you’re feeling a drive to connect with community and like minded groups. Use this time to network.

Capricorn or Capricorn Rising — Career, direction, status, the world. Mars puts you on top, Capricorn. Time to launch yourself into the world, climb the ladder, and work hard toward recognition. So, what do you want to be known for? You may also feel as if you’re not at home much over the coming weeks. Your community will be a major ally in helping you achieve success.

Aquarius or Aquarius Rising — Travel, higher education, teaching, philosophy. Getting the itch to travel? You may be planning or setting off on a long distance trip. Learning is also a major focus, particularly higher education and specialized training for your career. If you write, this may be a natural time to publish your ideas.

Pisces or Pisces Rising — Finance, legacies, intimacy, the psyche. Money is a major focus with Mars in this area of your chart. You may be looking at a loan, sorting through benefits, or even an inheritance. Debt and taxes may feature as well. In short, what will bring you wealth and security beyond the income you make? Additionally, this will be a time to explore themes of intimacy, sharing, and anything that takes place in private.

Photo by Marion Michele on Unsplash

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