We start the week with the Moon in Cancer pulling us towards the home as well as the people or things that will make us feel nurtured and safe. It’s a good day to look back on the past and reach out to loved ones. Our emotional needs are priority.

It’s also worth noting that Venus will turn retrograde on October 5 at 10 degrees Scorpio. Retrogrades are a time when we have to review, revisit, and have a new awareness of how we use that planet. Venus, like Mercury and Mars, belong to a class of planets called the personal planets, which is to say that they deal with life on a personal level. Mercury is retrograde the most frequently — every three months — which is why we’re more aware of it. And Mercury deals with how we communicate, think, learn, analyze, and learn. But what about Venus?

Venus speaks to how we love, compromise, interact, and relate to each other. It’s also reveals what we value. When Venus is in Scorpio, as it is now, it values emotional honesty, vulnerability, intimacy. It’s also reveals the shadow side of relationships — the secrets, power plays, abuse, and shame. With Venus turning retrograde in Scorpio, we’re looking at our relationship shadows as well as our collective relationship shadows. Do we need to reveal something we’ve been holding onto? Do we need to be honest about unhelpful power dynamics? Venus will also form a long opposition to Uranus throughout the month, an aspect that wants freedom.

Don’t be surprised if an old lover or flame turns up during Venus Retrograde. We have loose ends to tie up, emotions to let go of, dynamics to transform.

Read More:

Venus Through the Signs

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