The Sun and Pluto square off and we’re navigating tensions over power and control. Pluto is also making us aware of how we’ve created and engaged in unhealthy patterns or addictions, especially in relationships. It’s a day to bring light to our shadow self.

Additionally, the Moon is in Scorpio, so we’re getting another push to dig into the psychological side of things. What’s our real motivation? What are our fears? Do we feel vulnerable? Every month the Moon travels through Scorpio and teaches us about the spiritual and emotional alchemy of going into our personal darkness so we can be transformed by it. The more we bring light to our dark spaces, the more we realize our whole self. This has been the wisdom at the heart of Jupiter’s year long stay in Scorpio, although it’s been uncomfortable at times.

It’s also important to note that Saturn has the last say on a lot of things going on in the sky right now. It’s what we call in astrology the “final dispositor”.  Saturn naturally wants boundaries, balance, and maturity. So as we do a lot of emotional heavy lifting today, be sure to set healthy boundaries and try to find balance.

PS — I’m honored to be co-teaching again at the Collective Universal Reality Integrative Workshop here in Manhattan. You’ll be learning about your energy body — your chakras, your subtle bodies — and what it’s all connected to in this universe. By learning and using practical energetic tools, you’ll discover how you can use your energy body to help humanity.

Read More:

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

On Pluto

Libra New Moon: Behind Closed Doors

October 2018 Horoscopes

Collective Universal Reality Integrative Workshop, October 26-28, Manhattan

Book Your Consultation

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash